IWC 0.11 Patch Notes

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November 20nd 2020, IWC Version 0.11

Major Features

Victory Screens

A new victory and defeat screen has now been added to both IWC and IH, as well as improvements to player disconnection.

Deckbuilder UI layout

The IWC deckbuilder layout has been modified again, adding new filtering options, a search bar and much more.

Deckbuilder purity and legality system

Deck Purity is now nearly fully implemented for the IWC deckbuilder, and cards can now effect deckbuilder rules, allowing us to implement cards in the future such as the fan favourite Swarmer Broodlord.

New IWC cards from IH

While our primary focus remains on implementing as many Infinity Wars cards to IWC, we have also taken the opportunity to showcase some characters from Infinity Heroes, giving them new cards to try out in IWC. Note that these cards may undergo changes as we get your feedback on them.

New IWC premade decks

Play new pre-made decks against friends or the AI or use them as the shell of your very own deck.

Minor features

Added Bloodthirst keyword

Added Multi-strike keyword

Improved External Passive behaviour

Bug Fixes

We have a simple enormous list of bug fixes for this update.

  • Fixed Card Exhaust behaviour lasting too many turns in some cases
  • Dissolve VFX not fully dissolving and breaking card interactivity
  • Slot layout expanding beyond zone bounds when a large amount of cards are placed in it.
  • New/Editing/Saving/Loading of decks in deck builder causing breaks in UI behaviour
  • Real-time multiplayer bugs: fixed multiple desync issues in-game, network reconnection failures when returning to main menu, and discord invite behaviour.
  • Untouchable now only affects single target cards