IWC 0.12 Patch Notes

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November 27th 2020, IWC Version 0.12

Major Features

New Infinity Heroes Deck - Nero, The Crypt Delver

  • Corrupt and feast on the opponent as you swarm your battlefield with Zombies

Also check out some of our new Sleeper artwork that may appear on new IWC cards in the future

Commander Legality

Infinity Wars Classic now requires your commander to fit the purity requirements to make a legal deck

Character Types

Character types such as Human, Zombie, etc now appear on cards

Infinity Wars Classic Balance Changes and Redesigns

We have some new IWC cards and redesigns

  • Added Agent Kael: A new Warpath card that cares about having large characters in play
  • Redesigned Scintilla: This new Genesis and OoS card now has a speedy multistrike design that works well with stat buffs
  • Redesigned Nero: Rather than ressurecting the card killed, it creates a Risen of Avarrach in your graveyard (that revives after 3 turns)
  • Redesigned Mass Death: This classic card now has a design to keep it as close as possible to it's original.
  • Dragon of Summer Flame: Now deals 10 ongoing fire damage (from 3)
  • Risen of Avarrach: 2xSoA -> 1xSoA
  • Sydern: Now can be used as a commander but only stops resource gain when deployed. 1xWP -> 2xWP
  • Dragonborn: Removed Demon +1/+1 trigger and added +2/+2 to the activated ability. This is due to the current lack of demons in the cardpool and a last minute technical issue.

Engine Fixes

  • Haste and Charge are now correctly separated in Infinity Wars Classic
  • Added removal of non-passive modifiers when cards enter the graveyard
    • This means cards won't be poisoned in the graveyard etc
  • Improved FilterGraveyardFromTop Effect Node
  • Added additional checks in CardUnit death to make sure it doesn't trigger it's death triggers when already dead.
  • Fixed a null exception occurring in ModifierStatsFromUnitCount.
  • Expanded EffectNodeRemovePassive to make sure it also removes any duplicates of that same passive modifier.
  • Fixed commander display in the main menu not displaying the correct purity faction selected for that commander.
  • Added right click zooming of chosen commander in the deckbuilder.
  • Fixed a bug in the card grid display filtering in the deck builder not correctly showing cards based on their purity (was previously just checking main faction).
  • Fixed purity checking bug with factionless commanders in the deck builder thinking they're invalid commanders.
  • Better seperation between sacrifice and kill effects
  • More enrage fixes
  • Movecard and Swap card don't use TryActionCard and thus no longer cause multiplayer bugs
  • Kali's no longer set herself on fire

Card Fixes

(Note that while this means we have made a improvement to the card, there may be other issues. So please continue bug reports)

  • Uncontrolled Rift
  • Emberstarter
  • Scullas, The Final Hammer
  • Aleta, Immortal Tinkerer
  • Support Drone
  • Unstable Bomb-bot
  • Scouting Mission tokens
  • Acquire
  • Hubris of the Strong
  • Subjugated Dragon
  • Fight
  • Zunshen
  • Meditating Monk
  • Shirazius, The Cruel
  • Lilariah, Champion of Grace
  • Drag Down
  • Bek, Dragon Tamer
  • Chaos in the Ranks
  • Aleta, Immortal Sorceress
  • Anti-Air Missile
  • Hunted Dragon
  • Contained Parallel Rift
  • Devil of Despair
  • Ritual Master
  • Wholesale Slaughter
  • Acid Rain and more