IWC 0.14 Patch Notes

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December 09th 2020, IWC Version 0.14

Card Fixes

  • Aleta Immortal Caretaker targeting.
  • Heavens Bell targeting.
  • Breeding Grounds incorrectly activating when playing it.
  • Aleta Immortal Survivor's on field ability.
  • Fixed Dropbear and Granthar's enrage abilities not accounting for current damage.
  • Fixed Rita's Thrall not returning from the graveyard when killed by friendly effect.
  • Fixed Nero The Crypt Delver sometimes not creating Risen of the Avarrach's (Note: We are aware that Nero may still be buggy with incorrect behaviour from the Risen of Avarrach's it creates).

Other Fixes

  • Trading post unlimited usage is no longer broken and will properly account for the players remaining resources.
  • All abilities and effects now properly account for damage reduction modifiers (for example, Zunshen The Resolute General's deployment effect works properly. Another example, Firebolt would only deal 2 damage to Armored Landcrawler).
  • Fixed the deck builder still being intractable when another application is open over it.
  • Some SFX fixes with the card drawing volume and initial game loading SFX volume.
  • Fixed the in-game loading screen preemptively disappearing after just loading into the game.

Minor Feature

  • A flashing light display is now shown next to the resource number to give a clearer indication of turn initiative.