IWC 0.16 Patch Notes

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December 17nd 2020, IWC Version 0.16

Major Features

Major Networking Stability Changes

We have made lots of fixes and backend changes to the game's networking code that should increase stability, prevent matching with players on outdated game versions, and prevent sync data being corrupted or duplicated on slower internet connections.

Expanded Choose One System

We have updated Infinity Heroes' "Choose One" system to allow up to 4 options, allowing us to make cards like the Wishes or cards that Draft or "discover" cards. To help test this we have added Medi, the Forgotten Immortal temporarily so have fun and help us test this new feature.

Expanded Deckbuilder

The deckbuilding now gives more accurate information on why a deck might be invalid as well as including some GUI imporvments on what filters are active or inactive to make deckbuilding smoother.

Bug Fixes

  • Game no longer freezes while discard cards while trying to play VFX nodes
  • Fixed playersync error causing turn 1 desyncs, both players having initiative at the same time and other issues
  • Helix Worm art and token art have been fixes
  • Bek and several other cards now have the Unique tag
  • Champion Cards not have the champion type
  • You can now no longer play out a 2nd copy of a unique card in some circumstances
  • Explore card draw fixed
  • Ireul Vanguard of Ruin no longer ignores moved cards
  • The token created by breeding grounds now has the "beast" type
  • Low Orbital Cannon now exhausts for 2 turns as intended
  • Growth now correctly destroys and gives resources
  • Infected Devil, Infected Monk and Infected Purifier now make their correct tokens
  • Klore, The Rapier Centurion is now a human
  • Grotesque Brute is now a Human Demon
  • Granthar, the Elder Ape now has the unique tag
  • Hubris of the Strong now targets the correct zones
  • Swift Strike now correctly adds additional mutli-strikes
  • Skraar's Young no longer causes an endless resolution step in some situations
  • Omnitron now gives a permanent +5/+5, rather than acting as an external passive that dissapears
  • Demonize no longer transforms the card definitionm, turning that card into a demon for all future games until you restart the application
  • Mega Unit 02 can no longer use its ability in the command zone
  • Dropbears enrage ability no longer causes all dropbears in both players decks to transform.
  • The hover and zoom views now show the correct amount of morale
  • Monster Hunt targetting fixed
  • Vah'nash, the Ritual Master now correctly buffs and discards cards
  • Winds of War now works like the new Mass Death
  • Asssassinate is now able to target the Command Zone