IWC 0.17 Patch Notes

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December 18nd 2020, IWC Version 0.17

Major Features

Changed Card

  • Medi, the Forgotten Immortal -> Medi, Herald of The Unknown
    • This card is a showcase of a new system as well as pushing design space available for new cards. This is a ton of fun but unfortunately we found a last minute issue with the card and thus it will be banned in multiplayer until January.

New Banlist Feature

We can now add cards to the banlist, these cards will be available in singleplayer but unavailable in multiplayer.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Klore crashing the game or freezing combat in some situations
  • Fixed Sacullas' deploy trigger sometimes dealing damage to both players
  • Fixed Rapier Fanatic killing itself in your hand
  • Fixed Cowardly Recruit combat alone trigger
  • Fixed draft options for Medi being able to be undone in a way that gives infinite card selection
  • Fixed AoShun leaving a copy of itself in the graveyard
  • fixed purity bug with some pre-made decklists