IWC 0.22 Patch Notes

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February 11th 2021, IWC Version 0.22

Major Features

$2 Patreon Tier Access

Members of the $2 Patreon tier will now be able to play IWC at any time, but only be able to use the 11 pre-made decks except during summits and tournmaents.

Profile Pictures and Profile Titles

  • Each player profile now has access to a player profile and player title, these can be swapped about on the profile tab and new ones will be awarded as prizes etc soon.
  • We will be expanding this feature to showcase your cosmetics on the battlefield more in next week's patch

New Card: Grand Master Rome

A new character from both the Descent of the Dragons and Overseers faction, his two disciples help on both offense and defense respectivly

Split Unstoppable and Trample

Previously Unstoppable had worked like trample from MTG due to it's implimentation in Infinity Heroes, this has now been moved to a seperate keyword and unstoppable restored to it's IW1 functionality.

Other minor changes

  • Added Artifact and Location Tags
  • Added consume reminder text
  • Added more functionality for Adjacency effects such as EMP Grendade


  • Fixed heart attack premade deck not appearing for some players
  • Lightning Blast will no longer trigger death effects twice in some rare scenarios
  • Bloodthirst will no longer retain the combat buff when attacking players
  • Lucca buff now affects characters in the command zone
  • Hunt now able to target commanders
  • Fixed some Evolving Parasite corner cases.
  • Lance of Jinhai is now able to target command zone
  • Dragon of autumn no longer missing "dragon" sub type
  • Demon of dark bargain's negative resource no longer works while in command zone
  • Verore brute no longer gets buffed when enemy unique characters takes damage
  • Cards returned to hand with Evict/Intervention will still reset their damage taken
  • Hellkeeper now increases the card count of your deck correctly
  • If you play two tinkers on the same turn, both are now returned to hand
  • Assassinate now correctly reduces max resources
  • Lingbaos will affects demoralize morale loss correctly when used with other spells and effects
  • Undead, Demon and some other tokens have now have morale costs
  • Fixed Klore sometimes having unblockable that even ignored "can't attack" effects

Balance Changes (Expanded)

Note that we have some changes to the Exiles and Overseers factions incoming, please only report bugs if they don't match their card text ingame

  • Cannon fire will now do 6 damage to two different random combat targets (not 4)
    • Cannon Fire's old design requires multitargetting, something we currently don't support. We are giving the "current design" a damage buff to offset it being strictly worse than the original IW card in multiple ways. Once multitargetting is available we will be reverting the design and the damage buff, but we want the currently implemented design to be more playable in the meantime. Its important to us that cards are fun to play now, not just in a final version.
  • Cornicern Token has flying to match art and assist the faction's flying matter's synergies
    • The Overseers of Solace and Exiles faction will soon be getting a number of reworks to bring them up to the standard of the other factions and better make use of their synergies to help offset their smaller card pool. Cornicern has been identified as a lynchpin card to enable a lot of the synergies within the OoS faction, including playing both offense and defense at the same time, swarm strategies, self bounce to reuse deployment effects, bonuses to flying, and angel tribal. Thus we have added flying to the token to play into even more of these strategies, as well as make the art of Cornicern itself make much more sense.
    • Obviously this raises the power level of the card, and this is something we will keep an eye on and adjust down if necessary.
  • Invincible defender now causes morale damage from spell damage as well
    • This card was bugged to include this behavior and we are trying out how it might play as a feature rather than a bug. (The Bethesda approach 😛 ) However we are very much aware of how unfun morale damage decks can be to play, so this experiment may well be reverted shortly.

February 12th 2021, IWC Version 0.22b - Hotfix

Major Fix

Fixed cases where the main menu screen would break and not allow selection of the AI's deck or navigate the rest of the menu.

Minor Fixes

  • Fixed cards not healing when going to the graveyard.
  • Ran a pass over all Artifacts/Locations/Missions to assign it's correct card type tags.
  • Ran a pass over all tokens to set appropriate morale values.
  • Fixed Vigilance and Charge mechanic not allowing support zone placement from the command zone.
  • Fixed the deck selection breaking when renaming a deck the same as an already existing deck (added input validation so you can't name it the same).

Card Fixes

  • Fixed Shrapnel Launcher
  • Fixed Spirit of the Serpent
  • Fixed Purity levels for Research, Ruins of Veroria and Anger of Veroria
  • Fixed Rita, Mistress of Shadow (missing Human subtype and incorrect token creation)
  • Fixed Cornicen (removed flying from it's token)
  • Fixed Rhaziel, the Solitary
  • Fixed Nysrugh, The Insatiable not having Unique super-type
  • Fixed Terror Moose not having Unique super-type
  • Fixed Rita's guard tokens not having Human sub-type