IWC 0.24 Patch Notes

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February 26th 2021, IWC Version 0.24

Major Features

Matchup Panel

When playing against an opponent we have a fancy new matchup display to showcase your player profile and profile title.

Engine Stability

We have continued to improve the engine stability, especially concerning gamedata between matches and the way profile info and rewards are being communicated to ensure no errors

New Player Profiles and Titles

More animated player profiles and titles have been added, you can select these from the options panel and these are being given out as prizes on our daily streams.

New Cards

No new cards this week as we have been focused on stability for the upcoming tournament

Bug Fixes

  • Major Medi bugfix: No longer causes the RandomState to get out of sync, meaning any card that used randomness would break.
  • Yuanshi now stays exhausted for the correct amount of turns and has been renamed to correctly be Should be "Yuanshi, Sage of Ferocity".
  • Cards moved back to the hand now have their display controller refresh correctly.
  • Killing Battlefield Scavenger with any "remove from game" unit no longer locks the game.
  • The Humans are dead now hits the command zone.
  • Forerunner of the champions buffed had an adjustment to buff the correct target.
  • Fixed alignment errors with Relics/artifacts/locations.
  • Fixed a broken discord link on the menu.
  • Kali Banish and some other effects now correctly remove the card from the game.
  • Fixed Fleeting Footman sometimes trying to move itself to the safe zone from the graveyard and thus freezing the game.
  • Fixed Leader of the Charge missing half it's card functionality.
  • Fixed Nero's Avarrach tokens not correctly reanimating from the graveyard.
  • Fixed Track not allowing it to be added to your deck.
  • Fixed Ablaze targeting to allow targeting commanders.