IWC 0.25 Patch Notes

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March 10th 2021, IWC Version 0.25

Major Changes

New Infinity Heroes Hero

Pras, the Traitor is a Cultist and Flame Dawn mixed deck that is aggressive and is able to manipulate the battlefield and buff a range of threatening units. Has a lot of tools that mix well with other decks and ways to finish off opponents that try to stall out the game.

New Preview System

New cards will now be added to the game with a 1 week lag, during that time developers and other selected players will have access to those cards to play against anyone, this is both to test cards and showcase the cards earlier on our streams.

Bug Fixes

  • Demonic Corruption now stacks correctly with other stat bonuses
  • Added Serennia, Champion Of Life's missing unique tag
  • Demonborn no longer gains +1/+1 in hand, from opponents playing demons or other invalid circumstances
  • Removed VFX for Brings Life By Passing end trigger
  • Fixed rescue angel VFX triggering in graveyard
  • Devil of Despair protection ability fixed
  • Alpha Demon no longer creates VFX triggers with it's passive ability
  • Fixed Discord invites sometimes crashing the game
  • Shrine of the Heavens now unexhausts units correctly and allows you to actually win the game
  • Tygrugh, the Insane no longer has inconsistent cost reduction
  • Enrage Cards now copy over modifiers properly
  • Noble Protector now works in the command zone and stops AOE effects
  • Fixed bug that allowed you to drag two cards at once
  • Unique cards now can't be played from hand when theres already one in the command zone
  • Canopy Archer in IH no longer crashes the game in some situations
  • Dragons drawn while Bek, Dragon Tamer is deployed now receive the -2 to cost
  • Fixed GameOverCheck soft lock
  • The Great Fortress Of Xia Han now correctly removes max hp buf