IWC 0.27 Patch Notes

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March 26th 2021, IWC Version 0.27

Major Changes


  • We have a brand new Battlepass progression system, level up and gain rewards for both Infinity Wars Classic and Infinity Heroes
  • You can find the Battlepass on the Profile tab in the main menu and scroll through the first 32 levels we have implimented with 100 levels planned in total.
  • Players who are high level will be re-imburshed items they have mixed in the next day or two.

Health and Morale UI

  • We have a new Health and Morale UI that also showcases your player profile and titles to showcase to others.
  • Be sure to set your profile pictures and other cosmetics in the Profile tab on the main menu


Token cards now correctly showing their supertype.

Spritesheet Fixes

  • We have reordered over a dozen spritesheets that had errors in their order or how they looped.
  • There are several others that didn't quite get added in time for this week, so expect more in the coming weeks

Card Changes

  • Time for Fun is now unlimited
  • Marina the Selfless now only costs 3 but cannot steal enemy characters

Bug Fixes

  • Sacrifice effects no longer trigger death effects and morale loss
  • Avarach has Risen and other mass reanimation effects no longer cause desyncs
  • Remove from game effects no longer trigger morale loss
  • Fixed Desyncs caused by mass reanimation, as it was reviving cards in different order for each player
  • Cards in the graveyard that are currently dissolving no longer get stuck, causing the game to freeze.
  • Protector of Dawn no longer reveals all cards in hand when effect is resolving
  • Xi, Ascended now correctly costs resources on the activated ability
  • Flag Bearer now targets the correct unit
  • Lumbering Goliath and Force Against the Law no longer have their spritesheets swapped
  • Humble now removes tags
  • Humble now removes external passive abilities such as "Anthem" effects like Beastmaster
  • Infested Abomination now no longer deals damage to yourself
  • EMP Grenade now deals 8 dmg to secondary targets correctly
  • Shrapnel Launcher can now target the correct zones
  • Genesis Researcher and other cost reduction cards can no longer create infinite resources
  • Consecration no longer able to target locations in hand
  • Passing gift now gives resources for the correct amount of time
  • Infected Pack Leader now buffs as intended
  • Deckbuilder no longer always shows 1 morale
  • Infinity Heros Awaken was broken by a change in our reanimation system
  • Fixed Fight spells calculating damage based on the damage the units have already taken, rather than their power etc.
  • Tibat, the Mad Monk and Spontaneous Combustion no longer overkill unless there are no more valid targets
  • Multi life reworked to get closer to it's original use.
  • Nova on field ability cost is now correct
  • Rock Chucker now throws rocks at the correct time
  • Agent Coyle can now die, please go kill him.