IWC 0.28 Patch Notes

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April 08th 2021, IWC Version 0.28

Major Features

New Zone Movement System

  • Infinity Wars unlike many other TCGs often involves large scale battles with a lot of tokens and cards. To help the play experience in these situations we have totally reworked the way to move cards around the battlefield, using a smooth sliding system rather than the old slot based system that was built for Infinity Heroes' limited cards per zone.
  • We have further improvements to this system in the works as well, including RTS style "box select" to allow you to easily move multiple cards at once.

Minor Features

  • Added a framerate cap to help with the stability of menus
  • AI improvements, the AI will be a little bit smarter in targeting positive or negative effects on the right targets.
  • Multiplayer loading screen, when a player connects to you on queue and each player is transferring room data, there is now a loading screen rather than just freezing. This should especially help the UX for those with slower internet connections.

Balance Changes

  • Medi, Herald of the Unknown's stats changed from 8cost 31/13 -> 7cost 15/15
    • Medi's 31 damage attack, and his immortal nature meant he was super threatening as an aggressive lategame threat. Medi's design was never meant to have an attack value higher than any other base stats of a creature, and his strength and play opportunities should primarily come from his drafting potential. Now, to make sure he's not bordering on unplayable as a core card, he has had his cost reduced by 1 in the meantime.
  • Rhaziel, the Solitary now gains +2/+2 (from +3/+3) when attacking alone
    • Due to the champion mechanic being changed Rhazial no longer had a drawback that justified the pace at which he grew. This minor change keeps the design but just tones down the numbers, making him require more support.
  • Tygris, Politically Inclined stats changed from 1/6 -> 1/10
    • The statline for this card were simply just too low to justify the very narrow but potentially powerful anthem effect. This new statline helps diversify some of the options for Genesis at this resource cost as well, while showcasing his supporting flavor.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed exhaust preventing attacking and blocking when moved from the support zone in the same turn
  • Granthar, the Elder Ape: If him kill effect misses due to the target dying before Granthar's kill effect can resolve he now correctly enrages.
  • Growth now only destroys artifacts
  • IH roguelike mode no longer locks up the game after fighting the final boss
  • IH roguelike mode no longer disables some menu options after completing or pausing a run.
  • Aberion, Fallen from Grace now keeps buffs and debuffs when transforming
  • Fixed Alpha Demon's wording
  • Fixed a number of graveyard issues when reviving multiple characters at once
  • Fixed Runis of Veroria not killing
  • Fixed Breeding Grounds does not giving a 6/6 Beast when activated within its conditions.
  • Fixed chaos in the ranks causing the game to sometimes crash
  • Fixed Omnitron miscalculating its cost reduction
  • fixed Champion's Companion not giving haste to cards in your hand, only to cards already in play
  • Fixed Bug where activating two abilities that added cards to the top of the deck, would do so in an unintentional way
  • Fixed multiple spritesheets that were either shaky or played in the wrong order