IWC 0.30 Patch Notes

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April 30th 2021, IWC Version 0.30

Minor Features

New Spotlight panel upgrade

You can now zoom onto the features card and it displays purities

Supporters splash screen

Balance Changes

  • No More Heroes: Cost Reduced by 1
  • Bombard: Changed to "Deal 5 damage to the enemy fortress."

Bug Fixes

  • Major AI bug that was causing looping issues involved with the new drag system.
  • Rabid Rabbit no longer transforms when attack the fortress
  • Rubble golem now has the correct purity
  • Tyrna, Burden of War trigger now deals damage with the correct condition
  • Tactical Retreat and all other missions now are killed after completion.
  • Consecration, Wreckfull Walrus, Rift to the Old World and many other cards that can target only locations OR artifacts, can no longer target both.
  • Playing a unique artifact will no longer destroy your location
  • EMP now correctly pre-targets
  • Shrapnel Launcher no longer can work without any other artificial card to sacrifice.
  • Track can now target commanders
  • Cartographer wording fixed
  • Fixed multiple broken spritesheets
  • Fixed Rock chucker triggering from hand
  • Fixed AI sometimes not playing cards from hand
  • Fixed new releases deck having bright write error images