IWC 0.31 Patch Notes

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May 14th 2021, IWC Version 0.31

Major Features

Wish Card System

  • We have expanded the Infinity Engine Upgrade System (as used in Infinity Heroes) to support a far far larger range of cards that require multiple choices or modes. This means we can begin adding activated abilities with multiple modes, Wish cards, and much much more. We are really excited about how many cards this now allows us to implement as well as new design place in the future.
  • While only a handful of cards use the system in this update, many more are on the way.

IWC Battlefield and location support

  • 28 IWC Battlefields Are Now Available by Default for all players.
  • The following are not included, either due to their assets requiring further cleanup or us wanting to make them available on a more limited scale:
    • Practice Fortress (IW1 Alpha)
    • Dragon Factory (IW1 Beta)
    • Corrupted Forest
    • Dimensional Rift
    • Hellmouth

All location cards available will change your selected battlefield ingame as well to copy their original Infinity Wars behaviour.

Minor Features

Lots of new trigger types and modifications to the resolution zone, this will allow us to more easily impliment a number of upcoming design types to continue to get cards out quickly.

Bug Fixes

  • IH - Heroes can now use use their abilities without throwing a nullRef error.
  • Tech Knight's spritesheet is now fixed.
  • Avatar of Lingbao and Spirit of the Serpent no longer deals morale damage at incorrect timing.
  • Tygris no longer causes infinite attack and health loop. External passive not setup correctly.
  • Targeting a card with an ability then, undoing then trying to target the same card no longer throws an assertion error, the card becomes unable to be targeted by that ability card.
  • Re-targeting or undoing a targeted On-Field ability no longer seems to break the game.
  • Transforming functionality now performs properly if it has modifiers on it that are controlled by an external passive.
  • Fixed Disarm targeting effect and incorrect purity labels.