IWC 0.32 Patch Notes

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May 28th 2021, IWC Version 0.32

Major Features

New IH Hero: Basker, The Junkyard Dog

  • A Dog is a hero's best friend! Support your team lineup with Basker's flexible array of support cards.
  • You can even recycle your ultimate units to be played again for devestating effect.

100 lvl Prestige Pass

The Prestige rewards pass has been expanded to it's full 100 levels, any players who previously passed level 30 will have any rewards granted to them automatically. This pass includes a large number of new cosmetics and other exciting reasons to level up.

Card Display and Artist Names

We have reworked the Infinity Wars Classic card frames to be much closer to the originals including adding important information such as artist credits and rarity. Card set release symbols and numbers are not yet implimented.

Minor Features

Overcharge cards have begun to be added using our wish system. While we continue working on the multi-targetting system, this beloved mechanic will work by allowing you to remove the left-most card from your hand. Be sure to shuffle your hand cards to not discard something by mistake.

Balance Changes


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed targeting filter for Ancient Agression Emblem
  • Fixed Leader of the Charge's breaking after Fortress combat
  • Fixed Unending Drone end step effect reviving multiple copies
  • Fixed Unfazed incorrect effect chain loop.
  • Fixed IH Hero cards costing different amounts to the one displayed
  • Shrapnel launcher no longer runs its sacrifice and damage effect multiple times
  • Undisturbed Necropolis now properly creates tokens based on only units that died in play
  • Fixed Avatar of Lingbao soft locking the game upon revival.
  • Fixed Avatar of Lingbao and Spirit of the Serpent's damage behaviour not correctly calculating morale damage when attack the fortress.
  • Fixed Avatar of Yuanshi incorrectly exhausting all other units in play.
  • Infected Drone now correctly applies Artificial and Undead tags to its token
  • Decrepid Crystal no longer activates from the hand zone.
  • Corrected Reckless Zealot's missing tags
  • Corrected Soldier of the Wall missing tags
  • Fixed Primal Rage not applying stat buff and death avoidance to its target.
  • Fixed Agent Coyle, Alpha One's damage reduction effect to correctly limit the damage being dealt.
  • Fixed duplicated deployment effect of Lucca, Combat Mechanic.
  • Fixed Sydern from preventing resource gain after being deployed or getting increase from other resource increasing cards
  • Fixed Cartographer being able to draw Artifacts and Missions from the deck. Will now only draw a location card, if there is one in the deck.
  • Fixed the Spotlight featured card not correctly setting the IWC text displays when on an Infinity Heroes gamemode.
  • Fixed the account panel not completely resetting stored account info after logging out.
  • Fixed account login behaviour not handling all network error responses and causing the game to freeze if unlinking account info when not connected to internet.
  • Fixed the glow effect in the main menu appearing extremely bright when opening the account panel.
  • Fixed the positioning of the displayed battlefields when selecting an IWC battlefield in the account panel (All battlefields now align in the desired position).
  • Fixed Merlin, Master Tactician not giving Infect to itself when it doesn't target
  • Fixed Carlota, Queen of Solace triggering in the command zone