IWC 0.33 Patch Notes

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June 10th 2021, IWC Version 0.33

Major Features

Demo Mode

We have added a Demo Mode for players to get a preview of Infinity Wars classic for those that are not subscribed to our Patreon campaign, this gives only single player preset decks that you can try out a small fragment of the game against AI opponents.

Trading Post and Mulligan Changes

  • The Trading Post has undergone a massive rework, restored to it's former IW1 functionality, cards are now drawn instantly for the trading post and Mulligans now work the same as in IW1 and you can mulligan any number of tiems on the first turn. Do note that Trading Post actions cannot be undone.
  • Trading post actions now happen before any other triggers or effects in resolution.

Resolution Rework

  • The resolution phase has undergone a large rewrite of it's codebase, allowing us to support more gamemodes and projects in the Infinity Engine, as well as bring the order of resolution in IWC into line with IW1, without disrupting IH.
  • Triggers can now also interupt the resolution phase at any time, allowing us to add more VFX and feedback to different triggers such as "On Enters Combat" or "On Attack" triggers.

Trigger Rework

  • In conjucntion with the resolution rework we also have done a large rework of the trigger system, allowing us to grant temporary or permanent triggers via our modifier system, this allows us to make many new types of cards and many old cards that were previously difficult to impliment.

Click To Continue Resolution Option

To help assist players in complex board states or those newer to the game, we have added multiple "Click to Continue" resolution options that will pauses the resolution phase during triggers and effects until you wish to continue. This can be enabled for just your opponent's cards, all cards, or disabled. See the Options Menu dropdown.

Minor Features

Turn Timer Syncing

Multiplayer turn timers will now syncronize much more accuratly as well as work with both the "click to continue" resolution and fast forward options.

Balance Changes

  • Xac's Demon Form changed from 15/15 Consume 2 and "If Xac kills a character as a Lord of the Pit, that Character's controller must sacrifice a Character next turn. This effect can only happen once per turn." to 16/16 Consume 6 and Plunder 1.


  • Fixed Conscripted Militia is receiving it's stat buff while in hand
  • Fixed Tranquil Swarmer having 0 moral (should be 4)
  • Fixed Undisturbed Necropolis having incorrect faction
  • Fixed Infested Hulker's enraged missing card text "Infect" (the infect still works this is only visual)
  • Fixed Adaptive Construct overcharge version is 8/8 before it gains the +2+2 ending up as a 10/10 (should be a 8/8)
  • Fixed new profile title "The Dedicated" shows as "Of Another World" in the drop down menu to select titles
  • Fixed Infested Hulker blank Wish card was available in the deckbuilder
  • Fixed Infested Hulker gaining +1+1 for ALL cards in graveyard (should only count characters)
  • Fixed that Hero Selection Panel doesn't come up on the first turn for player in Infinity Heroes
  • Fixed Removing from game using a VFX causes Assertion to occur when removing card before a VFX node is used
  • Fixed avatar of yuanshi's death effect locking the resolution stage
  • Fixed Azael's cost reduction having unintended interactions with undo
  • Fixed Ju-lin's trigger creating copies of himself
  • Fixed "Avarrach has Risen" with "Zombie Scavenger" in play triggers treating the cards returning from graveyards as characters dying
  • Fixed Hero card stuck to mouse cursor
  • Fixed Growth in Infinity Heroes having ambigious wording
  • Fixed various other wording issues
  • Fixed Some cards having additional line breaks
  • fixed some Missing artist credits, especially on card Tokens, please report any cards with missing artist credits
  • Fixed VFX behaviour for Unstable Bomb Bot.
  • Fix Eucalyptus Tree having an incorrect base cost of 4 (Should be 5)
  • Fixed Ju-Lin, Who Rewrites History from triggering it's OnDeath and OnRemoved effects if its in the hand, stopping it from being moved to support zone upon discarding using trading post.
  • Removed incorrect filtering behaviour from Kyrallic, Origin of the Virus location.
  • Fixed Infectious Zombie infect behaviour.
  • Fixed Eaten By Zombies not reanimating the killed card as well as many other revival from graveyard effects.
  • Fixed Protector of the Dead causing a visual flickering on affected cards.
  • Fixed behaviour for whenever an effect moves a card to properly reset stats when going to hand, going to command zone, and changing owner
  • Fixed commander cards being moved to hand still having commander placement abilities.
  • Fixed all cards with OnDeath triggers not working with the Infect keyword (e.g. all the Splitter bots).
  • Fixed the resolution fast forwarding behaviour from locking sometimes when entering the next turn.
  • Fixed the account panel breaking in the main menu due to a failed/delayed retrieval of account data from the cloud.
  • Fixed the Spotlight zoomed card still showing over the full zoom overlay screen.
  • Fixed targeting filter for Undead Corruption not allowing targeting of commanders.
  • Fixed Turn Timer for real-time games still running after leaving the room and returning to the main menu into another real-time game.