IWC 0.34 Patch Notes

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June 25th 2021, IWC Version 0.34

Major Features

Graveyard targeting

  • Cards in the graveyards can now be targeted when appropriate, cards that only target graveyards will automatically open the graveyard layout. The UI now allows for zooming and easier navigation control within this graveyard layout.
  • This has allowed us to implement a number of graveyard themed cards from IW1.

New Premium Battlefields

  • Added Access to 9 new premium stages from Infinity Wars, these can be accessed via the profiles tab.
  • These Battlefield are:
    • Altar of Madness
    • Cathedral of Flames
    • Cathedral of Solace
    • Eden Manufacturing
    • Nature's Sanctuary
    • Palace of the Dynasties
    • Western Front
    • Corrupted Lab
    • Hydra Den

Minor Feature

UI Corner Borders

Added new UI background elements to blend the backgrounds of IW1 into our currrent UI and prevent visual errors from some widescreen users

Balance Changes

  • Rome: +1 Resource Cost, Angel stats changed to 6/2 and 2/6 (from 8/2 and 2/8)
    • Rome was overtuned for a number of reasons, adding too much stats to the board at his cost.
  • Kali Reluctant Leader's activated ability now exhausts for 2 turns.
    • We are looking forward to seeing Aspirant based decks be an alternative gameplan for Flame Dawn, but the activated ability had low cost of opputunity from either combat or the command zone, and thus has been adjusted to require more thoughtful timing.
  • United Front now activates each Sage automatically when played and spawns the sages in the support zone.
    • United Front was released without sufficient internal testing and was far far too weak, it has been given a significant boost in initial impact and no longer can cause you to lose huge amounts of morale due to the sages going directly into the defense zone.
  • Tygris, Politically Inclined. Artificial Token Buff changed to a +1/+1 buff to all tokens you control
    • Tygris's previous design was too narrow, and artificial decks have had sufficient support. This new design will allow for different styles of decks to emerge while still working well with GI's internal synergies.
  • Black Bind Witch's overcharge is now optional and any card that kills her is sacrificed to prevent infinite loops
    • While Black Bind Witch is already a powerful CoV option, we ran into several technical implimentation issues that indirectly causes the following buffs:
      • because Overcharge now happens on resolution, it can't predict if there will be cards in hand to overcharge. This means Black Bind Witch can be played as a vanilla 3/3 with no abilities.
      • The 2nd change is because her trigger is something that then can reapply the same effect as what causes the trigger, meaning that if two black bind witches hit and kill each other it would cause an infinite loop with our current systems. sacrifice is more powerful (lack of morale loss aside.) but prevents these loops.
  • Genetic Splicing now adds all of the following types:
    • Human, Beast, Demon, Artifical, Angel and Insectoid
    • This card was very weak but comes with the dream of using tribal effects outside their usual context, so we did not have UI available to choose a single type to add, so it instead adds all the options, as well as Artificial to help support that tribal theme.
  • Champion's Attendant now buffs a target champion
    • Due to us removing the mechanical downside of Champion, Attendant can now choose between any champions rather than it autoselecting for you.


  • Lots of major bugfixes for the resolution phase after our large changes last patch
  • Fixed End turn ordering and behaviour to have more consistent behaviour between modifiers and triggers.
  • Fixed lots of VFX and dissolve errors that caused cards to either get stuck in the middle of the screen or not appear in the resolution phase.
  • Fixed OnReplaceDeath and OnRemove to now correctly handle VFX nodes
  • Fixed Yobo's Who Nobody Likes OnReplaceDeath trigger
  • Fixed Mass Death and other kill noodes not kill anything
  • Fixed the Trading post Shuffle option causing the game to desync if you target or swap the left-most card first
  • Fixed Nero, Crypt Delver description; Change OnField ability text to: "Pay 1: Kill target friendly unit. If you do, Nero gains +4/+4.""
  • Fixed Game Freezing when interacting with Removed from the Game cards
  • Fixed Game freezing when using reanimation effects
  • Heat Wave no longer has preemptive
  • Fixed Spontainious Combustion doing no damage
  • Fixed Decrepit Crytal's effect working from your hand or graveyard
  • Fixed The Last Sleeper's effect does not activating when it is raised from the graveyard by a different effect.
  • Fixed Super Infected Zombie not working with non-infect reanimation effects
  • Fixed Kyrallic Origin of The Virus effect not working if the infectious character dies in combat
  • Fixed Pyr not making tokens
  • Fixed Grimmish The Persuader's Game Loss effect sometimes not working
  • Fixed Die Another Day not correctly dissolving and getting stuck on the UI
  • Fixed OnReplaceDeath triggers not work properly if the condition for the trigger is not valid
  • Price of Fame doesn't destroy unique character
  • Fixed Missing tags on Xac and Cassical
  • Fixed Nova Mind Reader causing the game to crash when activating her ability
  • Fixed Zushen the Resolute General sometimes activates his effect twice
  • Fixed Undead corruption not raising killed cards sometimes
  • Fixed Evolving Parasite, Apparition, Rabid Rabbit and other cards that copy other cards
  • Fixed Shockwave Giant hitting the support zone
  • Fixed 2 lives keyword not working
  • Fixed Avatar of Lingbao freezing the game
  • Fixed Klore not get buffed if his attack is at 0 when attacking the fortress
  • Fixed Infested Scavenger's ability does not work while in command
  • Fixed Omnitron Creating 15/15 tokens rather than 10/10's that then get a buff.
  • Fixed Lucca Ascended buffing Artificial Angel characters twice
  • Fixed an Infinite Mana bug with Untapped Wilderness and Merlin due to how it changed faction
  • Fixed Granthar the Elder Ape enrage effect
  • Fixed Some death effects not being ReplaceDeath effects
  • fixed Cathleen not buffing tokens that enter the deployed zone
  • Fixed Omnimind's cost reduction ability
  • Fixed Temporary Mass Reality Shift, and other flicker cards not bringing cards back in the same order they were removed
  • Fixed Rabid Rabbit transformed Bloodthrist not triggering
  • Fixed Medi and other random card effects not able to get incomplete or dev only cards
  • Fixed Vanguard of the Bond not correctly gaining multi-strike

June 26th 2021, IWC Version 0.34b - Hotfix


  • Fixed the second trading post option breaking the game due to the new additions of the card removal behaviour being handled by resolution queue.
  • Fixed game freezing when combat result is null
  • Added Shield 1 to Mega Unit 2.
  • Fixed Bek's purity not being hybrid (FD/CoV) and replaced Dragon sub-type with Human.
  • Fixed Shamba Unity's and Sol, Tyrant of Solace's purity insignia's.
  • Added VFX for Cyber Infested Dragon's OnDeath behaviour.
  • Fixed Tome of the Dead's mission completion trigger incorrectly moving the cards upon killing them.
  • Fixed OnDeath triggers not correctly remembering what owner they had when the trigger went off if the trigger has a VFX on it (For example if a Splitter bot was killed by a Tome of the Dead)
  • Fixed Forerunner of the Champions OnOtherPlay VFX to make it clearer when it gets buffed
  • Fixed Merlin's chosen onPlay effect not showing in the history queue
  • Fixed Defiance removing non-passive modifiers
  • Fixed Shamba Reborn's Animation