IWC 0.36 Patch Notes

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July 23rd 2021, IWC Version 0.36

Major Stability Improvements

  • We have been seeing some major stability issues with games freezing up. This has been in part due to our recent large overhauls of the Resolution, Deck, and internal systems.
  • We have found the cause of many of these issues and fixed them. As well as updated our internal Unity version to make use of some of its powerful testing tools, optimisation, and resource alocation to improve stability.

Exile Mechanic

  • I think it is very fair to say that of all the factions, Exiles nearly always gotten the short end of the stick.
  • However one of their unique traits has been its titular mechanic and discard themes.
  • We have finally implimented this mechanic, allowing you to open up the graveyard scroll view and drag cards directly from their into play.

Exile Rework Sneak Peek

  • Exiles themselves are also in the process of getting a variety of redesigns, buffs, and tweaks to over half of their cards to help reduce the pure amount of randomness in the faction, make them not have more cross-synergy with other factions, and improve their cost curves so they have a better variety of early, mid, and lategame options.
  • These changes are currently still in progress and are scheduled to be complete next patch, in the meantime enjoy getting an early look at some of the changes and give us your feedback.

Dynamic Banlist

We have added a network enabled banlist that will allow us to disable certain cards from multiplayer matches without requiring a new patch. This means that if game-breaking bugs are found we can make sure it doesn't ruin people's experience.


  • Fixed major stability fixes caused by cards getting stuck on idle when dissolving, meaning the turn never completed, leaving both players stuck.
  • Fixed Defense Perimeter not being able to activate if no targets were available
  • Fixed Agent Coyle Mechborn wish activation costs not being correctly setup
  • Fixed Sky Reaper not correctly adding cards to the top of the deck
  • Fixed Herald of the Dawn having graphic issues with it's ability
  • Fixed Recycle not correctly adding the targetted card to the deck
  • Fixed Gather Thoughts not working for cards put into the graveyard during the resolution phase or if your graveyard is empty.
  • Fixed Ao shun Incognito drawing cards either player loses 8+ morale that turn
  • Fixed Banish causesing the game to crash
  • Fixed Kali, Ascended not correctly overriding death triggers
  • Fixed Recycle causeing the left most card in hand to be discarded.
  • Fixed Spirit of vengence giving ALL your chracters +5/+5 on resurrect
  • Fixed Pain Stone increasing combat damage
  • Fixed Void Split tokens having flying
  • Fixed Primal Rage recieving X2 damage rather than gaining +2/+2
  • Fixed Ritual of Summoning gains completion from enemy ability cards
  • Fixed Rancid's ETB not working
  • Fixed Rescue Angel working on any health value
  • Fixed Ruins of an Ancient Civilization removing all cards in the game, not just the attacker
  • Fixed Shrapnel Launcher dealing 4 damage twice per activation
  • Fixed Unending Drone chaining together in a single turn
  • Fixed Crazed Augmenter being unable to target himself
  • Fixed Infested Abomination's effect sometimes not working from graveyard
  • Fixed Decimator not attacking twice if when blocked.
  • Fixed Inter-Dimensional Phase Bot activating from command
  • Fixed Sinister Corruption failing deal morale damage
  • Fixed Contained Parallel Rift Shuffling itself back into deck
  • Fixed Mysterious Box Of Wonder activations
  • Fixed Two Face
  • Fixed alternate win/loss conditions ending the game but not checking who won correctly
  • Fixed Pillage the Village purity
  • Fixed Agent Coyle, Mechborn wish choices are in the deck builder
  • Fixed Marina the Selfless
  • Fixed negative attack values not displaying correctly
  • Fixed Called Shot targetting not being consistent
  • Various small Infinity Heroes stability fixes