IWC 0.37 Patch Notes

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August 06th 2021, IWC Version 0.37

Exiles Rework

We have been working with the community to revitalize the Exile faction, adding additional power and synergies

  • Grimmish, The Persuader: Gains 3/+3
  • Waste Chucker: Now discards left most card in hand, +1/+1 stats
  • Dirty Devil: Redesigned - 2Cost 4/4 Deadly, Exile 2, Removed Unlimited
  • Wheezer, Demon of Smog: Added Unique tag and Deadly
  • Alpha Demon: Added Consume +1 to all demons
  • Nysrugh, The Insatiable: Added Consume 3 and unstoppable
  • Demonic Reflection: Now swaps the target's stats
  • Lost Knight: Changesd to OR faction card and redesigned
  • Chaos in the Ranks  : -1 Cost
  • Mindbender: Now steals from enemy hand and has deadly
  • Agent Coyle, Hellbringer: Changed from random discard to left-most
  • Splatterer: Changed from random to left-most. +2/+2 stat buff, reduced purity, Added stat boost to ability
  • Agent Coyle, Divinedemonic: Changed to left-most discard
  • Demonic Presence: Reduced Purity
  • Volatile Genome: Total Redesign, now high cost Demon Tribal board wipe
  • Nysrugh The Hungry: Changed to high cost Verore Kidnapped that steals stats
  • Devil of Despair: Minor Redesign, now gains a +3/+3 buff and untouchable on discard
  • Demonic Mercenary: Added Exile 8, gains +16/+16 if cast for exile
  • Unstable Demon: Redesign with Deadly and Haste
  • Descent Into Madness: Increased cost but now adds the card to your hand and keeps buffs
  • Demonborn: Made flying permanent. reduced base stats, increased buff size
  • Martyr of Chaos: total redesign, now lets you cast cards from graveyard on death
  • Xac: gains Plunder 1
  • Corrupted Celestial Dragon: Total redsign as finisher
  • Brief Visit To Torment: Locked to 3 turns
  • Crystal of Madness: Now draws 2 cards
  • Vah'nash, the Ritual Master: Now Left-most card not random discard
  • Mind Splinter: Increased Purity, Now removed cards from hand at random
  • Chalice of Madness: Total Redesign
  • Agent Coyle, Superior Symbiote: Redesign
  • Vasir, The Demon Prince: Stat buff and costs 9
  • Dehumanize: Redesigned to create the tokens in the front of the Assault Zone
  • No More Heroes: Reduced cost by 1
  • Demon Of Solitude: 17/17 Base stats and gets -2/-2 per card in hand
  • Gravedredge Demon: Stat Changes, reduced purity
  • Ixxi, the Annoying: Total Redesign
  • Reckless Abandon: Total Redesign
  • Spawn, Fierce Companion: Total Redesign
  • Princess Hinekri: Total redesign
  • Hell's Gambler: Total redesign from frustrating RNG to controllable RNG
  • The Demon Wastes: Total redesign, reduced purity
  • Denial Of Reason: Total Redesign: Steals a card from the opponent's hand, total redesign
  • Frenzied Monstrosity: Total Redesign. Changed from a discard outleft that self damages to a payoff
  • Tibat, The Mad Monk wording fix
  • Defiant Trickster: Redesign to Multifaction card (EX/Oos)

Minor Features

Enhanced Leaderboard stats

Added Offline Wins and other additional analytics as well as making improvements to the xp system

Newly Implimented IWC cards

  • Adaptive Ritualist
  • Agent Coyle, Superior Symbiote
  • Aunissial
  • Defiant Trickster
  • Dehumanize
  • Hungry Abomination
  • Ixxi, The Annoying
  • Kidnapped By Demons
  • Martyr of Chaos
  • Melosia, Champion Of Despair
  • Nysrugh The Hungry
  • Princess Hinekri
  • Recurring Nightmare
  • Silfurstar, The Fallen Crusader
  • Spawn, Fierce Companion
  • The Demon Wastes
  • Verore Kidnapper
  • Volatile Genome
  • Wheezer, Demon of Smog
  • Zombie Abomination


  • Fixed major stability issues in the deckbuilder
  • Fixed Deck builder breaking deck saves when using custom data
  • Fixed Tooltips (Keywords) get stuck on the screen and don't close
  • Fixed Transforming a card in the command zone removing the commander placement rules
  • Fixed Demoic reflection and other copy effects sometimes not copying buffs and debuffs correctly
  • Fixed XI, Martyr of Peace not transforming enemy characters
  • Fixed randomized movement nodes sometimes causing two cards to get stuck
  • fixed Total Mana calculation not working correctly when gaining over 10 resources
  • Fixed Zombie Scavenger and Verore Death Worshipper not losing their stat modifiers when placed in the graveyard
  • Fixed OnreplaceDeath and Infect triggers causing game freezes when used on multi-life characters
  • Fixed Patient Zero targetting errors
  • Fixed Ritual of Summoning sometimes triggering from ability cards being cast or not triggering on certain enemy characters
  • Fixed Agent Coyle Mechborns first ability exhausting himself
  • Strength of Leadership can't affect the command zone despite the wording not specifying that they have to be deployed
  • Fixed Agent Coyle Primal Hunter interaction with other on-enter combat triggers
  • Fixed Ao Shun Incognito's card draw trigger looking at global stats, not this turn's stats.
  • Fixed Frenzied Monstrosity not correctly checking hand condition
  • Fixed Decent Into Madness end turn trigger
  • Fixed Discard effects causing desyncs in the situation where you cast an ability in the left-most slot of your hand first
  • Fixed Decrepit Crystal giving buffs to cards stolen to the opponent by infect
  • Fixed mouse cursor bug when losing focus of the game window
  • Fixed Infinity Hero Quests checking Infinity War Classic analytics
  • Fixed several battlefield animations not looping
  • Fixed Dehumanize not killing the target
  • Fixed storevalue effect nodes being wiped by certain effects
  • Fixed discard trigger vfx getting stuck dissolving

August 12th 2021, IWC Version 0.37b - Hotfix


  • Temporarily removed Suffering Verorian from the deck collection
  • Fixed animating of cards back to slot when a card is stuck to the mouse cursor (cards would not rotate properly with the battlefield or would disappear from the hand)
  • Fixed Duplication of Commander modifier for when moving a card into the command zone.
  • Fixed Turn timer not resetting properly upon drawing a new card when entering game state start of turn, which hopefully fixed turns automatically ending preemptively.
  • Fixed the showing of the drawn card for next turn not continuing upon the current turn timer exceeding.
  • Changed and expanded effect node for moving cards to the front of a zone, to instead allow you to move the card to front, back or random position in that zone.
  • Fixed Volatile Genome OnPlay trigger not executing properly.
  • Fixed The Demon Wastes not creating it's token on the turn it's deployed.
  • Fixed Mass Death effects combined with mass reanimation breaking the resolution and hanging the game
  • Fixed ownership of cards incorrectly changing upon being moved during resolution
  • Fixed Adaptive Ritualist Wish card's not working correctly
  • Fixed some discard outlets not correctly detecting if they failed to discard a card
  • Fixed multiple issues with Ixxi, The Annoying
  • Fixed Conscripted Militia missing card title
  • Fixed Deck builder search functionality not properly showing all valid cards given the search parameters
  • Cleaned up deck builder grid displaying behaviour when disabling/adding to the display buffer
  • Refactored death behaviour for Discarding cards so that OnDiscard triggers work properly with VFX's as well as multiple discard effects back-to-back.
  • Expanded death state to include the zone the card died in and the owner it had when it died
  • Fixed Death effects incorrectly moving cards to the graveyard (mass death effects stacked cards into the same slot).
  • Fixed Zombie Scavenger not working properly due to the recent death behaviour changes.
  • Fixed Zunshen not triggering it's effect for itself.
  • Expanded removed from game behaviour to run through death behaviour and changed revival of removed cards to go through the reanimation queue.
  • Expanded relic card placement to handle OnPlay targeting effects.
  • Fixed the gaining control of cards to properly shift the hand cards to the left if moving cards into your own hand.
  • Fixed Kidnapped by Demons and Verore Kidnapper flicker behaviour.
  • Fixed Kidnapped by Demons targeting not working
  • Fixed Kidnapped by Demons not sacrificing itself correctly
  • Fixed Demonic Presence only drawing 5 cards for one of the players
  • Fixed some VFX effects showing cards in hand to the opponent
  • Added non-animating art for some cards whos full spritesheets are missing and were previously showing incorrect artworks or alternate arts
  • Fixed Chaos in the Ranks only swapping one zone
  • Fixed Dragon of Summer Flame having no name or description
  • Fixed Mindbender triggering when dealing damage to character cards
  • Fixed Strength in Numbers being able to buff cards in hand
  • Fixed Force Against the Law missing Reach?
  • Fixed multiple exile card descriptions that didn't get updated to new wordings