IWC 0.40 Patch Notes

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September 10th 2021, IWC Version 0.40

Major Features

Loading Optimisation

  • The Infinity Engine has undergone a sweeping change in how assets, especially spritesheets and animations are loaded and unloaded
  • This takes advantage of the powerful Addressables system in new versions of Unity to dynamically load and unload assets in a way that doesn't consume huge amounts of RAM that made the game very unstable on lower end machines and long long load times even on newer hardware
  • In addition to this new system that has improved RAM usage by up to 80% this also provides much smaller build sizes and update sizes in the future.
  • Finally during profiling of our low end systems we have found a number of inefficient pieces of code that has now been rewritten to also reduce CPU usage

Tooltip Improvements

  • Tooltips have undergone a significant improvement in its backend systems (and we hope to have prettier tooltips soon)
  • These new systems will better showcase keywords that have been added to a card after creation, will better handle larger numbers of tooltips, and allow for custom card specific tooltips such as on cards that place counters on themselves or have specific status effects like if they are currently Piloted.
  • Not all cards that meet this criteria have had the system hooked up yet, and we look forward to hearing the community's ideas on what existing cards could take advantage of these systems to better improve clarity.

Balance Changes

  • Decreased Vandalize and Rift to the Old World's cost by 1
  • Taiga nerf: Text changed to "If an Artificial Character you control in the same zone as Taiga dies, all other Characters you control in that zone gain +1/+1."
  • Increased Agent Coyle Primal Hunter, Agent Coyle Immovable's cost by 1
  • The Impervious only gains his conditional indestructible on entering the deployed area
  • Agent Coyle Mechborn's activated ability buff reduced to +3/+3
  • Vicious Ransacker gains +2 health and fortress damage trigger now deals 4 damage
  • creased The Demon Wastes cost by 1
  • Gao Han nerf will be coming next patch


  • Fixed major issues with consume that was causing desyncs and combat to freeze up
  • Fixed major issues with some cost reduction cards
  • Fixed Search for the Key sometimes letting you tutor non-unique characters
  • Fixed Ritual of Summoning sometimes summoning nothing
  • Fixed random damage distribution favoring killing a single target
  • Fixed Covert Battlesuit ability not working sometimes
  • Fixed Dark Wish "Deal 10 Damage to Target Character" mode targetting
  • Fixed Dehumanize targetting
  • Fixed Crystal of Madness working when you had 1 card in hand but not 0
  • Fixed how Demon of Dark bargain interacted with cards that added resources
  • Fixed Demon of Dark Bargains text implying it's cost reduction worked from the command zone
  • Fixed layout used for graveyard and deck targetting to allow for right click zooming
  • Fixed ESC not cancelling targetting
  • Fixed healing cards not interacting correctly with max health increases
  • Fixed Card zooming causing card tooltips to partially overlap
  • Fixed Zealous Protectors Vigilance
  • Fixed Avatar of Linbao deals fortress damage AND morale damage instead of converting the fortress damage to morale damage
  • Fixed Orion's Grave missing the artifact tag
  • Fixed Noble protector granting immunity to combat damage, not non-combat damage
  • Fixed some locations like Undisturbed Necropolis triggering VFX even when it's condition isn't met
  • Fixed Altar of Binding being marked as a location, not an artifact
  • Fixed Avatar of Ling-Boi not being unique
  • Fixed Martyr of chaos death trigger only working on Character cards
  • Fixed Carrion Creeper purity
  • Fixed Kali and other cards that remove cards from the game sometimes causing errors due to trying to remove a card multiple times
  • Fixed Urn tokens no freeze the game if they are removed before end of turn
  • Fixed discarding effects not correctly interacting with ability cards you are casting in the same turn
  • Fixed Bomb Bot sometimes not exploding correctly
  • Fixed some cards still discarding cards randomly despite their text box
  • Fixed Suprise defence not moving the target card to the front of the zone
  • Fixed Tagia buffing opponents creatures
  • Fixed Gorgon beam 9000's art
  • Fixed Rescue Angel not setting it's cost to 0