IWC 0.41 Patch Notes

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September 24th 2021, IWC Version 0.41

Major Features

Alpha Release

With the recent optimisation updates, as well as both the current state of the Infinity Card Engine and the current core gameplay loop looking better than ever, we're happy enough to officially move out of our Pre-Alpha phase, and we've now officially hit the next stage of development, Alpha!

Free Weekend Systems

We will be having a Free Weekend on the 25th-26th of September and 9th-10th of October, anyone logging in during this date will have full access to the game regardless of Patreon status, and will recieve 1xIntrigue Phase 1 Booster Pack plus an additional 3xIntrigue Phase 1 Booster Packs if you are already a patreon. These rewards will be given out for each free weekend event, so be sure to play during both events to maximize your prizes.

Card Pack Systems

While opening card boosters to convert into steam cards with specific cosmetics is still being actively developed, card pack inventory systems have been added to keep all your rewards attached to your accounts. This is part of our medium term plan to allow account transfers from IW1 into IWC, an exciting step for much of our community.

Deck Builder Improvements

  • Deck builder now has advance serching options allowing you to search for keywords and types.
  • You can search for multiple criteria at the same time using ',' or ';' between search terms.
  • More improvements coming in the future with additional search filtering and sorting.

Balance Changes

  • Gao Han nerf now has his cost reduced to 1 when in the command zone rather than being free. We will be keeping an eye on this card to see if further changes are nessesary.


  • Fixed major bug that caused spritesheets to play too fast
  • Fixed Augmented Ninja Ability
  • Fixed some battlefields not being added correctly to our new optimisation systems
  • Fixed players sometimes being unable to load their profiles and icon data
  • Fixed Onleave Triggers not working correctly
  • The cards Mutating Dead and United Front have been added back to the deck collection after accidently ending up on the restricted list again.
  • Fixed some cards that spawn multiple tokens at once to create "ghost" cards
  • Fixed multi life cards not correctly removing certain debuffs that could cause infinite loops
  • Fixed Pilgrimage monk is buffing everyone +4/+4.
  • Fixed Demon of Dark Bargains external passive cost reduction working while he is in the command zone
  • Fixed Strength of Leadership's targetting
  • Fixed some OOS cards that were missing the Champion tag
  • Fixed Mass Death etc not killing cards with OnOtherDeath triggers while those triggers were queued to resolve, for example Zombie Scavenger.
  • Fixed Beasts created with Stampede not correctly removing themselves from the game
  • Fixed Cards Created by Stampede freezing the game if they are removed from the game by another effect before the end of the turn.
  • Fixed Corrupted Forest not changing the battlefield background
  • Fixed a visual glitch with token creation
  • Fixed Demonic Mercenary having plunder twice.
  • Fixed Orion's Grave having two different versions in the deckbuilder
  • Fixed Mecha Dragon's card description
  • Fixed Agent Coyle, Divine Demonic not correctly discarding cards in a manner that matches his description.
  • Fixed Roguelike mode can sometimes start you off with negative HP, resulting in an instant loss.
  • Fixed Summoning stone not consuming it's counters upon activation
  • Fixed Memorial To Heroes not working with tokens being created by other cards triggers
  • Fixed Tormented Thrall sometimes triggering incorrectly
  • Fixed Shattered Veil not effecting some zones correctly
  • Fixed Nature wish's kill all artifacts mode.
  • Fixed Reach keyword not always working correctly when granted
  • Fixed Aleta's Discovery tutoring Missions and Locations

September 24th 2021, IWC Version 0.41b - Hotfix

Minor Feature

Rarity Changes

Lots of Intrigue cards have received rarity adjustments in preparation for card packs in the future

Balance Changes

Umbral Warden

  • stats changed from 8/14 -> 6/10


  • increased from 2 -> 3
  • Cost reduction decreased from 3 -> 2

Umbral Warden

  • slot is designed to fill an anti-swarm/board recovery role in warpath, helping ramp decks that often are falling behind early from getting overwhelmed. However the previous stats and cost reduction made the card very swingy. This change came after player feedback and we'll be keeping an eye on if further adjustments are nessesary.

Memorial To Heroes

  • cost increased by 1
  • Memorial of Heroes has been at the center of a number of successful decks recently, a tool that can synergize with lots of other cards for splashy lategame effects. However Location removal is not very common, and the value the card can generate isn't quite offset by doing nothing the turn it comes down currently, so increasing its cost will make it a little more risky to use vs aggression, while also meaning it is more vulnerable to an opposing Calamity.
  • Its been great seeing the exploration of different strategies using this card, something we'd like to preserve while just toning down the power a touch.
  • We'll be keeping an eye on if further adjustments are nessesary.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Major issues with "Ghost" card appearing, causing chunks of the screen to be unable to be interacted with
  • Fixed Reanimation errors if somehow the reanimating card wasn't currently in the graveyard yet that caused game freezes
  • Fixed Ability cards are getting stuck in the ability queue and not triggering
  • Fixed Wish Choices incorrectly calculating
  • Fixed duplicate keywords breaking the keyword reminder displays
  • Fixed Infested Abomination sometimes not immedietly triggering
  • Fixed Covert Battlesuit keeping its keywords after attacking a fortress
  • Fixed Evict not being able to target correctly
  • Fixed Fiery Ascension targetting
  • Fixed Angelify targetting
  • Fixed Tooltips or Modifiers can be added multiple times, multiple tooltips for the same modifier
  • Fixed Search Descriptions in the deckbuilder
  • Fixed Raise Dead causing multiple issues
  • Fixed Tormented Thrall's ability
  • Fixed Avatar of Lingbao's replace death trigger
  • Fixed interaction between Martyr Golem and Noble Protector in the same zone, all non-combat damage will be redirected to maytr golem, where it will then negated by protector.
  • Fixed Undeath wish options
  • Fixed Best Fiends working from the Command Zone
  • Fixed various artifacts and locations missing tags
  • Fixed Corrupt machinery stealing locations
  • Fixed missing subtypes of Agent Coyle - Divine Demonic
  • Fixed Impervious's end turn trigger
  • Fixed Zuza, Angelic Siren purity meaning it could only be used in triple factionless decks
  • Fixed Unending Drone behaviour when in the command zone
  • Fixed Brute Spawn not always gaining buffs
  • Fixed Devil of Despair's ability not working from the command zone
  • Fixed Infested scavanger effecting enemy characters
  • Fixed Raa's interaction with the command zone
  • Added animation to carrion creepers if the sacrifice target is invalid, making it clearer it sacrifices itself
  • Fixed Denial of reason's behavious when the opponent has an empty hand.
  • Fixed Kidnapper's interaction with zones when returning a card mid-resolution
  • Fixed Gather Thoughts interaction with an empty graveyard
  • Fixed Insectoid tokens having the incorrect artwork assigned
  • Fixed Primal rage not triggering on non-combat damage
  • Fixed Virus of Avvarach sometimes not correctly changing control of all cards
  • Fixed Denial of Surprise not working correctly on commanders
  • Fixed Memorial To Heroes spirit tokens not removing themselves the next turn if they somehow dodge being removed (such as entering after end step triggers have been checked.)

October 12th 2021, IWC Version 0.41c - Hotfix

Major Features

Animation Fix

All card animations in game should now play in the correct order and the correct speed, this was caused by our recent optimisation efforts

Deck Pasting

  • Pressing CTRL+C in the main menu will copy a decklist of your currently selected deck to the clipboard
  • Try posting your decklists to the Discord, we wanna see your amazing creations

Expanded Deck View

Decklists in the main menu will now automatically expand to better allow you to see your full decklist

Minor Features

Increased max health and attack values of character to +-32,767, any Character with values higher/lower than this will have that value set to this. This is due to the way data is packed in the network packets.

Balance Changes

Grandmaster Rome

  • Hyrid Purity Changed to Multi-Faction Purity (OoS AND DoD)
  • Increased base stats by +1/+1
  • Fixed wording errors: eg: calling the Assault Zone the Attack Zone

Grandmaster Rome has been an interesting new addition to the cardpool, providing flicker synergies, token generation and evasive threats and defense to a large variety of decks, however while the Intrigue set is looking to add additional Hybrid cards to the card pool, Grandmaster Rome's high impact and many uses meant we are restricting it to a more narrow purity with a slight buff to compensate. We've redesign some future Intrigue cards to be Hybrid cards to offset this change.

Umbral Warden

  • Text changed to "Bloodthirst 3 If your fortress is below 40 health, Umbral Warden gains Haste"
  • Stats changed to 4/12

Umbral Warden's role to specifically counteract swarms of small aggressive Character cards was overshadowed by the cost reduction mechanic of the previous design and it could often be quite difficult to remember as an opponent if you had dealt 20 damage the previous turn. Thus this new version uses technology similar to Rescue Angel which is easier to track and puts more of it's power in it's stats and bloodthirst, with the haste being conditional.

The team will continue to keep an eye on how the card performs but feels it should be much better suited to its role now.


  • Fixed all transform cards to work consistently, Transforming will always remove all buffs, debuffs and damage. This also fixes issues with Kali, and with Rabbid Rabbit.
  • Fixed Secrets of Veroria sometimes not working on tokens
  • Fixed Tome of the Dead not activating if the board state was empty
  • Fixed Scintilla healing the fortress even when Characters it was attacking didn't die
  • Fixed Hellkeeper created two 6/6 Demons with the cost of 4 instead of 0 into the deck
  • Fixed Verore Death Worshippers gaining power even in the graveyard
  • Fixed Purge the Unworthy mission completion
  • Fixed Deployed Ultra-unit, sometimes not killing other Characters
  • Fixed Cloning effects sometimes not copying Buffs and Debuffs correctly, especially those that prevent movement from specific zones
  • Fixed Logrithmatron health doubling not working correctly with damage
  • Fixed Characters that get over 128 health or attack in multiplayer incorrectly triggering the Desync detection due to data types
  • Fixed Game Version checks for multiplayer matches not working correctly with hotfix patches
  • Fixed Deck collection errors sometimes causing custom decks to get wiped
  • Fixed Entangle sometimes creating errors if multiple effects were telling the card to be stuck in different zones
  • Fixed Bloodthirsty Dead's spritesheet
  • Fixed Win/Loss tie bug
  • Fixed Morale not being correctly checked by the desync detection
  • Fixed Stat multiplication not calculating correctly in some instances

October 15th 2021, IWC Version 0.41d - Hotfix

Major Features

Free Weekend & New Profile Pictures and Titles

  • Play or login this weekend to recieve the Carrion Creeper profile picture and the "The Undying" profile title
  • Infinity Wars Classic will be free to play for this period, so be sure to get some games in.

Flying Bug Fixes

A major bug that caused flying units to be unable to attack if the player had any buffs or debuffs on them has been fixed, this was a side effect of a bugfix last week to Secrets of Veroria which allowed for players to recieve the "Can't block" buff. However a part of this was incorrectly implimented and missed in internal testing due to the relative rarity of player based buffs and debuffs.

Minor Features

Time Turn Limit

  • Changed turn timer to limit at 2 and a half minutes to prevent turns 10-15 lasting far longer than nessesary
  • Change base turn timer to 50 seconds to help speed up the first 4-5 turns

Balance Changes


  • changed to "Target Character loses all text, types, buffs, and debuffs. This effect is retained when leaving play."
  • This helps Humble return closer to its IW1 functionality and work as a tool for DoD decks to sometimes disrupt graveyard based strategies.
  • Thanks to the community feedback to modify this card.


  • Fixed a number of multi-asset spritesheets that were either playing backwards or jumping between frames
  • Disabled broken localisation systems and reverted all players to english
  • Fixed losing players leaving the game causing a desync error and sometime not granting rewards to the
  • Fixed some minor bugs with the Ban List code
  • Fixed save settings from loading non-distinct hero index's.
  • Fixed end-game analytics breaking game when finishing and looping through errors, resulting in the user getting stuck.
  • Fixed redirect damage creating an infinite loop when 2 martyr golems are deployed as they end up redirecting to each other over and over.
  • Fixed Error Detection State for real-time games when packing/unpacking card data to not exceed the data type (Fixed Logrithmatron)
  • Fixed Ability cards going back into the deck after using the trading post after the ability was played from the left most hand slot
  • Fix null reference bug occurring when loading saved decks when the deck save title is empty (This fixed the deck builder opening upon loading back into the main menu from a game and showing an empty deck).
  • Fixed Spawn Fierce Companion
  • Fixed a number of misc spelling mistakes on various cards