IWC 0.43 Patch Notes

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November 06th 2021, IWC Version 0.43

Major Features

Pack opening and store initial implementation

As we make progress to get in systems such as player collections, we have updated and opened up the player store to buy phase 1 Intrigue card packs. This includes a list of 25 released Intrigue cards that can now be permanently added to your collection as well as gaining special cosmetic versions. Additional iterations of both the store and pack opening will be coming shortly, with elements like more player profile cosmetics and titles available for sale soon.

Card Cosmetics

Intrigue Phase 1 packs will have a small chance of various cosmetics, including different card frames. While these are not currently available in the deckbuilder, we hope to have that feature ready shortly.

Deck builder improvements

  • Significant improvements have been made to the deckbuilder in preparation of player collections, cosmetics and other features in the pipeline. These include:
    • Expanded advanced search to include toggles to filter by card type.
    • Added button to clear search bar.
    • Added button to hide cards that you do not own.
    • Added ability to switch purity of duel purity commanders by clicking on their purity icon.
    • Added button to remove commanders.
    • Added card sorting, deck builder cards can be ordered by dragging categories around within the sorting menu.
    • Added list view.
    • Improved deck builder performance

New Game UI

  • The Infinity Wars Classic user interface has undergone some changes to create a more integrated look that also will scale better at various resolutions. We hope this provides a good mix of the IW1 look with the visual themes of other parts of the game.

Wiki Updates

  • The official Infinity Wars Wiki has begun to receive more updates from our staff to include all Intrigue cards currently available to play, as well as the set pages for Intrigue and other updates. We'll be continuing to update the wiki to be useful as a community resource.
  • You can find a link to the wiki here:

Balance Changes

Speaks with Wind

  • now makes two Brings Life By Passing in your support zone when overcharged instead of permanently increasing your resources.
  • The previous version was not very interactive or dynamic, this change should help the card play a little differently from other ramp cards as well as be interactable by board wipes in matches where both decks are slugging out the late game.


  • now only gains its +2/+2 bonus if it is deployed
  • With the increase in the number of playable demons and the redesign of this card, playing these in the command zone very easily created absurdly large flying demons
  • This change will mean the card should still be a powerful tool in demon decks, but can't stay safe in the command zone.

Tormented Thrall

  • base stats changed to a 4 cost 7/7 that transforms into a 16/16.
  • The cheap cost of the card when killed in the command zone was creating some undesirable play patterns, allowing CoV decks to fend off early aggression without using their ability cards.
  • By making the card more expensive and increasing the stats this play pattern can still be present but far less efficient.

Decrepit Crystal

  • changed from SoAx2 purity to SoAx1 Purity, stat bonus increased from +2/+2
  • As an ongoing look at many of the game's more expensive artifacts and locations, this card has recieved a puff to allow it to be used in more combinations of decks and have more differences to the Infested Scavenger card. We are keeping an eye on if this ends up being problematic with mass reanimation effects like Hekeem however.


  • has been redesigned to the following and removed from the Ban List:
    • Scramble Cost:8 (EXx2)
    • Ability
    • Exile 6
    • Transform all deployed Characters you control into random Characters that cost 1 more.
    • Transform all deployed Characters you don't control into random Characters that cost 1 less.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the morale and casting cost of lots of transformation and token cards to prevent abuse with reanimation etc
  • Fixed Various typos and wording errors
  • Fixed Ablaze sometimes immolating the caster's characters
  • Fixed Cathleen not working correctly with Memorial to Heroes
  • Fixed Spirit of Vengence not gaining stat buffs from dying
  • Fixed Maytr of Life deck stat buffs not being permanent
  • Fixed cards with zone conditional passives like Defender of the Realm causing a game freeze with Memorial to Heroes
  • Fixed Nero gaining stats from his activated ability even when the character targetted doesn't die
  • Fixed Acolyte of the Crypt gets stats from ability cards in the graveyard
  • Fixed a major issue with Consume, causing it to sometimes heal the character when it should of died, depending on which player had initiative.
  • Fixed Angeli Veil preventing all damage, including combat damage
  • Fixed an infinite combat loop when unstoppable is combined with a trigger that increases attack when damage is dealt
  • Fixed Raise Dead not giving the undead tag
  • Fixed Malignent reanimating itself even if it is no longer in the graveyard
  • Fixed Untouchable woring while in the graveyard
  • Fixed Navi's passive ability to work in the command zone
  • Fixed Engine of Reincarnation bringing back zombies for every character killed that gamme, not just the last turn
  • Characters with multiple lives will now only lose morale once
  • Gorgon Beam now correctly removes the "remove from game" modifier to prevent various infinite loops
  • Fixed Mass Death killing Characters with replace death effects
  • Fixed Sydern's resource reduction sworking from the graveyard
  • Fixed Bloodcrazed Initiate not gaining the undead tag after transforming into Bloodthirsty Dead.
  • Fixed Nature's Wish not killing Artifacts
  • Fixed Martyr of Chaos doesn't not having Untouchable
  • Fixed Dark Wish not letting players tutor for any card type
  • Fixed missing VFX on some common activated abilities like Caretaker of the Young
  • Fixed the game desyncing when Character's had health or power over 32k
  • Fixed Genesis Scavenger's missing Human tag