IWC 0.45 Patch Notes

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December 10th 2021, IWC Version 0.45

Major Features

Friends Panel and Private Invites

  • The ability to follow other players and create private games has been added, replacing the discord invite API which we were not particulaly happy with.
  • Private matches and more social features has been a very commonly requested feature, both as a way to tell who is online, but also to better run tournaments and other events.
  • You can access the friends panel in the bottom right hand corner, we look forward to hearing your feedback on this exciting feature.

Alternate Art Systems

  • As we continue to work on porting across Infinity Wars 1 accounts, we have to lay out the groundwork by porting across assets and creating systems to facilitate this. The newest and largest of these systems is the addition of alternate art cards. In the deckbuilder you can change the artwork you have selected by zooming in on the card and clicking the "change artwork" button.
  • For a limited time only, all alternate arts will be available to all players. These work in multiplayer, so be sure to showcase your favorites when you play.
  • Two pieces of alternate art: The 2016 Xmas Taiga, and the 2017 penta-pack Mark of the Demon are unfortunately not currently available.
  • However we have over a dozen never before seen alternate arts for players to discover and use. We'll be sure to have a way to unlock these once collections are fully available.

Quest System

  • A new quest system has been added for more dynamic and modular requirements, as well as better separating out IWC and IH specific quests. 30+ new quests have been added and will be assigned *to players every 24 hours. We will continue to iterate on these, so be sure to give us your feedback on which ones you are finding satisfying or challenging.
  • Please note some previous quests have been made invalid, in this case you will receive a new quest.
  • Hybrid and Gold Frames
  • IWC cards that belong to multiple factions have their card frames restored!
  • Multifaction will have their horizontally blended border while Hybrid cards will have the vertically connected half borders.

Balance Changes

  • Defiant Hunter's buff is no longer persistent between zones
  • Nemophilist Angel's overcharge ability now only gives 1 extra resource, but grants an additional 4 morale.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Activated abilities and Exile graveyard cards not correctly checking player resources, meaning you can create infinite resources.
  • Fixed Secluded Constructor only buffing via base stats, not full stats
  • Fixed Secluded Constructor targetting
  • Factionless cards added to your deck no longer make it illegal
  • Fixed profiles and titles being reset in the future
  • Fixed Caretaker of the Young's activation ability exhausting for 2 turns, not 1.
  • Fixed Humble not permanently removing activated abilities if the humbled card was reanimated or returned to hand.
  • Fixed Altar of Binding being a location, not a type.
  • Fixed Once was Clean losing haste.
  • Fixed Humble not working correctly with Infect
  • Fixed Defensive Perimeter exhausting for two turns.
  • Fixed Wild Hunt not putting cards in graveyard if you hit no targets
  • Fixed Enlightenator overcharging every turn.
  • Fixed flame dawn centurion and other cards that count characters in a certain zone not counting themselves
  • Fixed artist credits on several tokens
  • Fixed some exile tokens having factionless frames
  • Fixed some cards using alternate arts as their default art
  • Fixed Astatoth's spritesheet shaking around due to misalignment
  • Fixed commanders being able to be played while exhausted
  • Fixed Overcharged Bot not using the overcharge mechanic
  • Fixed an issue with some overcharge cards that allowed you to infinitly overcharge the same card.
  • Fixed Siphon Structure and other cards that cared about resources remaining causing desyncs
  • Fixed Activation effects that have multiple variable costs not working correctly
  • Fixed redirecting damage to a card that was already dead
  • Fixed floating targeting arrows if the target was killed for a multitargetting card
  • Fixed hand targetting cards working on queued ability cards

December 16th 2021, IWC Version 0.45b

Major Features

Bug Reporting Improvements

While the number of desyncs and crashes has been vastly reduced in the last 6 months, there is some persistent bugs that have eluded the team. So we have made improvements to our bug reporting systems to give up clearer data as well as automatically submit bug reports from desyncs from both players, this allows us to compare the logs of both players to get a much clearer idea of what might be causing the issue. We've really appreciated all our players who have helped us track down issues, this will mean we can fix new bugs faster so you can all have a better experience.

Credits Panel

  • In the options screen you can find an in-game credits panel. We wanted to showcase all our wonderful staff both past and present who helped make all this possible.
  • This credits panel also includes the credits for Infinity Wars 1, as Infinity Wars Classic wouldn't of been possible without them.
  • Use Spacebar to fast forward during the credits and ESC to exit at any time.

New Cosmetics available in store

  • A new set of Cosmetics is available in the store for purchase with Gold.

Permanently Wording Changes

  • All buffs or debuffs that permanently modfiy a card, not being erased when raised from the graveyard, or other similar zone changes have had their wording and sometimes functionality changed. Rather than using the lengthy and sometimes inaccurate "This effect persists as this leaves play", instead the word "permanently" will appear before the effect as well as a new tooltip to make it clear what this means in more detail.
  • List of cards to use this new wording and tooltip:
    • Tempus
    • Solace's Loyalist
    • Dead Feaster
    • Descent into Madness
    • Vasir Patient Overlord
    • Grayscale
    • Suffering Verorian
    • Recurring Nightmare
    • Sleeper of Avarrach

Please be sure to report if there are any other cards that should use this new wording.

Balance Changes

Twins in Grey

  • +3 Cost
  • Twins in Grey is able to sit safe in the support zone for a relatively cheap cost and pump out huge numbers of Aether Acolytes with correct deckbuilding.
  • While having another core piece of "Abilities Matter" is something that the slot of fulfilling well, the card was far far too efficient.
  • This large cost increase will allow the large impact of the card to still exist, but come down much later and have greater counterplay.
  • We'll be keeping an eye on how this performs, specifically if there is enough options to interact with this lategame option.

Defiant Monk

  • +1 Cost
  • Defiant Monk in multiples could be extremely powerful, especially with cards that reduced their own costs. By increasing its cost, we hope to slow it down enough that it can't run away with value as easily.

Lumbering Goliath

  • stats increased to 25/25
  • Mathematically the stats of high cost characters are incredibly small, putting a huge amount of pressure on high impact abilities.
  • While we don't expect Lumbering Goliath to be playable, it is more about showcasing new stat baselines and better signposting that warpath is the king of large expensive ground characters.

Bug Fixes

  • Big fixes to wish choice cards not letting you either select certain options or not costing any resources
  • Trading Post can no longer be used while waiting for other player to finish their planning phase
  • Acolyte of the Altar targetting now correctly matches its textbox
  • Fixed Blood Arrow not being able to sacrifice your commanders
  • War Machine now exhausts characters
  • Fixed Enlightenator not healing correctly
  • Fixed Hinekri growing Bored getting stuck permanently exhausted
  • Fixed Creatures reanimated by Abandoned Symbiote never becoming unexhausted
  • Fixed Alternate arts are not appearing in the history queue
  • Fixed If a flying card is transformed into a non-flying card it still looks like it has flying visually.
  • Defiant Monk no longer copies damage, behaving like other transform effects.
  • Store now refreshes correctly after purchases
  • Fixed several reversed or unordered spritesheets
  • Added missing spritesheets for Aerial Commando and Paladin of the Flame Dawn
  • Fixed Splat not sacrificing your character if the target becomes invalid
  • Fixed Radariah having Unstoppable
  • Azael the Torn can no longer target herself
  • Fixed many transform and token cards having incorrect faction frames