IWC 0.48 Patch Notes

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February 28th 2022, IWC Version 0.49

Major Features

New Tutorial System

  • A system for making tutorials and other singleplayer content has been implemented. This will allow us to make and edit single player experiences relatively quickly now and in the future.
  • These systems also include an overhaul of how we handle player rewards, which will be important as we shift to our new future model layed out in the "Future of Infinity Wars Classic" video.
  • The first test case for many of these systems is a set of tutorials for Infinity Heroes, there are still some minor changes we wish to make to these tutorials to make them a smoother learning experience, but we wanted to showcase them to get your feedback.
  • You can play these tutorials via the Tutorial button in the top-left of the main menu.
  • We also have a series of tutorial missions in development for Infinity Wars Classic, however these are not yet ready.

Restored IWC Artwork

  • Early versions of Infinity Wars 1 have not been very well documented, meaning we have had some cards without working spritesheets.
  • These have now been found and added back into the game, fixing the animations for the following cards:
    • Zealous Protector
    • One of Many
    • Verore Brute
    • Vanguard Knight
    • Aerial Commando
    • Martyr of Death
    • Armored Landcrawler
    • Fight!
    • The Hellmouth
    • Guns of Goliath
    • Kinetically Overloaded Drone
    • Glorious Warrior
    • Firebolt
    • Genesis Construct
    • Drone
    • Demon of Fear
    • Beast of Burden
    • Bad Bot

Improved External Passive system

Extension to the external passive system that handles effects like "All Characters you control get +1/+1" now allows for more flexible and consistent cost reduction and keyword granting effects, especially when used by Artifacts or Locations, which previously behaved different to character cards. This has also fixed a number of very rare desync issues.

Rebalanced IWC cards

Some IWC cards have been modified to be closer to their original functionality. See IWC Redesigns section for details.

Improved stattracking

Cards now have a flexible stat tracking system that allows us to better create Effect Nodes. This also allows us to potentially expand it in the future to use stat tracking to inform possible balance issues.

Balance Changes


Bug Fixes

  • Quests and battlepass progress may not reset when logging out.
  • Fixed Blood crazed initate When in command blood crazed initate fails to transform when units die.
  • Fixed IH card dragging breaking if moving cards offscreen when timer runs out
  • Fixed The Victory Screen never plays the intro to the victory/defeat music, was getting instantly overriden with the loop version
  • Fixed Overcharge storm not causing you to overcharge if there are no valid targets
  • Fixed Overcharged Storm causing you to overcharge twice as many cards in hand
  • Fixed Verore Worshipper sometimes surviving combat due to initiative
  • Fixed set numbers missing from some Intrigue cards
  • Fixed Karckk Haste
  • Fixed new releases deck having banned cards
  • Fixed Pacifying winds overcharge
  • Fixed Shield Generator missing types
  • Fixed Laser Cannon Spritesheet