IWC 0.52 Patch Notes

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April 12th 2022, IWC Version 0.52

Major Features

Deckbuilder Fixes and Optimization

A new asynchronous deckbuilder loader has been added and integrated with the vanity cosmetics of various cards and the inventory to drastically decrease loading times.

Vanity Improvements

Card Cosmetics have received additional improvements, fixing a number of bugs and having far better integration with the deckbuilder. Also deck saves have received some major upgrades to better handle your chosen cosmetics. Note that your old decks will be converted automatically, but set fully to grayscale. So be sure to re-add your cosmetic choices.

Account Transfer Improvements

Improvements have been made to the account transfer system that was causing some cards to go missing, specifically those gotten via trades. These changes have been applied retroactively to old accounts as well. In additionally, the account transfer summary page has been improved to more accurately show the number of cards transferred.

Animation Fixes

Nearly 30 cards have received fixes to their animated spritesheets that meant they didn't loop correctly or jittered. We have an additional dozen or so we are still in the process of fixing for next patch.

Balance Changes


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Greyscale cards sometimes changing how they look when undone
  • Fixed the 3d Model of Backgrounds getting untethered from the menu
  • Fixed Wish Cards sometimes not handling passive modifiers correctly, especially cost reduction.
  • Fixed cards removed from the game keeping modifiers and damage
  • Fixed Game Freezes caused by token creation by alt art cards
  • Fixed Subjugated Dragon
  • Fixed Tokens having incorrect animation when the creator has a cosmetic
  • Fixed various Pay X cards sometimes not working correctly
  • Fixed Nix still costing 7
  • Fixed Trading Post Shuffle not always shuffling
  • Fixed Omnitron not creating token's correctly if there wasn't an artificial character in play
  • Fixed Some Activated abilities not spending resources during the resolution
  • Fixed Shikana text
  • Fixed many deckbuilder errors
  • Fixed Malignant not checking the owner of card's dying for its trigger
  • Fixed Rita, Mistress of Shadow token creation
  • Fixed Some Exile cards causing the game to not load in multiplayer
  • Fixed various pack opening issues
  • Fixed AI being able to use some promo only items
  • Fixed some UI elements when using Manual Resolution
  • Fixed "Last Played Deck" not loading correctly from the playersave
  • Fixed transforming vanity characters causing art errors
  • Fixed profile pictures appending to the end of each other if they are changed
  • Fixed Fixed deckbuilding statistics not loading sometimes

April 12th 2022, IWC Version 0.52b

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a major bug that meant some players using premade decks or demo mode decks were not able to load into games correctly
  • Fixed Time for Fun creating colored cards when used by a grayscale version

April 22nd 2022, IWC Version 0.52c

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Winds of War being able to pull characters out of the graveyard and thus trigger death triggers twice
  • Fixed major issue with all modal ability cards that prevented then from playing correctly or targetting
  • Fixed Remove from Game effects sometimes removing the modifier that allowed them to return to play
  • Fixed Verore Kidnapper not correctly storing its target for later
  • Fixed Shamba, the Ferocious's textbox to make it clear he doesn't buff himself
  • Fixed Rescue Angel not always updating cost correctly
  • Fixed various major exhaust bugs that allowed exhaust abilities to work on characters that were either sometimes already exhausted or that entered play that turn.
  • Fixed Champion's Herald not granting haste for long enough
  • Fixed Uncontrolled Rift randomly selecting non-character cards
  • Fixed Ancient egg basing stats off the token's current stats, not base stats
  • Fixed Box of Mysterious Wonders, not returning the card if the box is destroyed
  • Fixed Cannon Fire and other multitarget cards that can target the same target from being able to damage cards in the graveyard and thus freeze the game
  • Fixed various missing tags
  • Fixed Venore brute's static artwork
  • Fixed the sorting of vanity items in the deckbuilder not using costing
  • Fixed a visual bug with the deckbuilder resettand all cards to greyscale cards in some situations
  • Fixed removing cards from a deck not visually adding the correct option back into the deckbuilder
  • Fixed drawing cards from an empty deck not always dealing 10 morale damage
  • Fixed Transformed Agent Coyle Mechborn'''s ability causes him to gain +4/+4 instead of the stated +3/+3
  • Fixed Luftkrieg dealing damage to flying creatures instead of Martyr Golem
  • Fixed Martyr Golem from not being able to redirect damage of cards dealing damage to themselves
  • Fixed Xi, who honors the dead, tokens not getting removed from play
  • Fixed Called shot not storing the chosen zone correctly
  • Fixed explore not working if you have a location in play
  • Fixed Undeath Wish not choosing the correct modes
  • Fixed Declerius the Law permanently preventing attacking and working from hand
  • Fixed IWC having IH style tooltips like "Arrival" and "Farewell"
  • Fixed various other small working mistakes