IWC 0.53 Patch Notes

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May 23rd 2022, IWC Version 0.53

Bug Fixes

  • Changed the behaviour of how triggers execute to instead wait for any cards dissolving into the graveyard to first finish their death behaviour before executing the next effect. This fixed all card dissolve behaviour failing and showing a bordered display of the card in the middle of the screen if the next effect/ability involves cards in the graveyard (e.g. Gather Thoughts).
  • Fixed the interaction of 'revival on death' and multi-lives causing the game to freeze and cards to hang in the middle of the screen (This fixed Undead Corruption interaction with multi life cards).
  • Fixed Hand cycling not properly calculating the cards required to cycle at the end of the turn.
  • Fixed Deadly keyword and damage effects not properly invoking 'On Killed Card' triggers if the effect kills it.
  • Fixed being able to undo ability cards by dragging it out of the ability queue after you have used the trading post. Caused 2 cards to go into the same slot due if a new card had been drawn from the trading post.
  • Fixed Hidden By Clouds incorrectly executing it's trigger at the end of the turn when it gets moved from the graveyard or deck in that same end-turn phase. (This fixed Hidden By Clouds placing every other Hidden By Clouds in your deck into the support zone resulting in getting up to 4 Hidden By Clouds into your support zone in the 1 turn).
  • Fixed Deadly effects not working on cards that have other triggers that run upon dying or during combat events.
  • Fixed Cards not properly dying when left with 0 or less health after combat.
  • Fixed Agent Coyle Assimilator's On Field transform ability transforming into Agent Coyle, Primal Hunter.
  • Fixed Zuza, Angelic Siren ability working on your own Characters, and fixed it not properly returning the previously controlled Character to the opponent.
  • Fixed Zealous Protector ascending multiple times.
  • Fixed Counterspell not working properly and also not showing appropriate VFX.
  • Fixed Soldier of Solace not ascending when entering combat with the fortress.
  • Fixed Scarab Spybug not allowing multiple activations in the same turn.
  • Fixed Flame Dawn Fanatic not returning to your hand from the command zone.
  • Fixed Inter-Dimensional Phase Bot's pay ability working in the command zone.
  • Fixed Avatar of Lingbao not dealing morale damage when dealing damage to the fortress.
  • Fixed Aleta, Immortal Tinkerer's alternate art not animating.
  • Fixed Flame Dawn Aspirant tokens not having the Human sub-type.
  • Fixed Unending Drone created by Omnimind having the Splitter-Lite artwork.
  • Fixed Nero's ability incorrectly costing 1 when deployed from the hand.
  • Fixed Celestial Dragon not healing your fortress upon dealing damage to the opponent's fortress.
  • Fixed Demonic Disciple not allowing use of the Exile mechanic after being discarded.
  • Fixed Defiant Hermit's effect did not affecting Flame Dawn Aspirant's spawned by Drill Sergent.
  • Fixed Breeding Grounds having no limit of it activation effect per turn.

May 24th 2022, IWC Version 0.53b - Hotfix

Balance Changes

Shield Generator

Changed purity to 1 Genesis.

Extended Operation

Granted effect changed to gaining +6/+6 (previously +4/+4).

Tome of the Dead

Changed purity to 2 SoA.

Speaks with Wind

Now requires 2 overcharge cards for it's effect.

Nero, Crypt Delver

Increased cost of activation ability to 2 to reduce self solving.


Base cost increased to 8.

Overcharged Bolt

Base cost reverted back to 2.

Shun Howl's Urn

Created spirit token changed to have Flying instead of Unstoppable.

The Last Sleeper

Upon raising from Graveyard, only gets buff if it raised itself.


Changed Demon threshold to 20 (previous was 30)


Changed effect to also trigger off Discarding, and only for yourself, not the opponent.

Kinetically Overloaded Drone

Base stats increased to 2/2.

Disciple of Mian Monastery

Doubled it's effect buff to +6/+6 (previously +3/+3).

May 25th 2022, IWC Version 0.53c - Hotfix

Bug Fixes

  • Made big changes to how the death and dissolve behaviour works. This fixed most if not all issues relating to cards not displaying properly, fail to dissolve or getting stuck on the screen. Cards will now essentially wait briefly before they die if they have triggers or effects yet to execute for itself or another card. Note: Some cards may appear as if they are pausing briefly in the ability or combat layout after doing combat with a character or doing an effect on targets.
  • Fixed Junkyard Pay abilities not working.
  • Fixed Scintilla's effect not showing VFX for Fortress.
  • Fixed both Kali, Ascended and Kali, The Purifier to properly use the "Kill" triggers with a VFX when removing the killed card for feedback to the user.
  • Fixed Devil of Despair to only allow activation once a turn.
  • Updated the wish selection/choice system to support additional choices. This fixed the selection options of other factions for Merlin, Master Tactician when you have Enyah, Of The Endless Possibilities as a commander.
  • Fixed Zuza Angelic Siren to move it's controlled Character to the associated Support zone when gaining or losing control of it.
  • Fixed Prophet Karani to not give it's -2 cost effect if Prophet Karani itself has been deployed on that turn (because Karani herself counts as the first WP card played that turn).
  • Fixed the Consume keyword behaviour incorrectly working when killing your own Characters or when not in combat. Also changed the tooltip to more accurately explain how Consume works:

"Consume X: When this Character kills another Character in combat and survives, it gains +X/+X, then heals X health." Balance Changes

  • Devil of Despair: changed the buff on it's effect to +2/+2 (previously +3/+3).
  • Shield Generater's purity increased to 2 Genesis (was previously reduced to 1).
  • Changed Defiant Trickster's cost increase for its effect from 2 to 1. Also changed it's base stats from 6/2 to 4/2.

Extirpate has been added to the ban list (no longer available in multiplayer battles) due to being too overpowered. It's new redesign will come in the next patch.

Minor Feature

New Patreon Exclusive Border

The "Agent" border is a Patreon exclusive border type, that active patreon users will have access to. You don't technically own these items, and they won't be appearing in your inventory, and if your subscription ends, you will lose access to them, but as long as your subscription is active, you'll have access to the Agent Border, as well as colored animated cards to go alongside them.

Important things to note are that you don't have to use the Agent border if you don't wish to, if you prefer normal borders, or your gold/plat border cards, you'll have the option to choose them. You can even choose greyscale cards if you really want to.

Additionally, this bordering effect is a PLACEHOLDER - something similar will be coming at a later date, with a silky looping animation, however we're looking at the possibility of having a color effect over the top, so that every single faction (and combo of factions for dual purity cards) can have their own color schemes on this bordering effect.