IWC 0.54 Patch Notes

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June 24th 2022, IWC Version 0.54

Major Features

Turn Unlocking

  • We now have turn unlocking for multiplayer battles!
  • Consistent with the original Infinity Wars behaviour, once you lock in your turn, you can now unlock the turn you submitted to make other additional moves. When waiting for the opponent to make their turn, we also have new display behaviour which includes the unlock button, and the environment lighting transitions to night time. You can now also properly interact with the cards on the board and other user interface panels.
  • Note: If you go to unlock your turn at the same time the opponent submits their turn, your unlock action may not happen as it must be approved by the opponent due to client networking speeds and delays.

Internal Death System Refactor

  • The way death behaviour works has now been completely refactored and is much more consistent and stable to support effects and triggers executing properly before the card begins dissolving and go to the graveyard/removed zones. This should fix almost all issues with card's getting stuck on the middle of the screen or failing to dissolve properly.
  • This new system has also fixed the main causes of all the desync occurring in multiplayer battles over the last few months.

Infinity Heroes is now in Open Beta

  • Infinity Heroes is now freely avaialbe and has had its client disconnected from Infinity Wars Classic. All inventory, account xp, and battlepass rewards will continue to be shared from both clients, but you can no longer play IWC from infinity heroes.
  • This is our last major update for Infinity Heroes for a while, allowing us to focus more on Infinity Wars Classic and the upcoming full release of Intrigue.

New IH Hero: Theseus, the Cruel Cleanser

  • Disrupt the enemy with Theseus and his mix of DoD and Verore magic. Play defensive early game then watch as multiple aggressive bonuses unlock when your max resources reaches 10.

Improved Debug Board State Logging

  • We have made significant improvements to the way that board states are recorded in internal logs that are sent in bug reports. This allows us to recreate perfectly bugs far more quickly and accuratly, and is also the first step in a future replay and spectator systems.

Balance Changes

Balanced Warrior

  • Increase stats from 6/6 -> 8/8
  • We have been looking at multiple slots were we can give some of DoD's cards and faction sysnergies a small power bump.
  • This card obviously plays really well with the health granting cards of the faction, but just had far too low starting stats to seriously consider.

Secrets of Veroria

  • Increased cost to 4, increase purity to CoVx2
  • Stall tools have been something we have been looking at very critically this patch. Secrets of Veroria with its low cost, low purty commitment, lack of possible counterplay, and being in the faction that arguably best thrives lategame, was creating unhealthy play patterns.


  • Increased purity to SoAx2
  • Another powerful stall tool, one that was often splashed in other factions to create sometimes frustrating, and sometimes exciting combos. While we don't nessesarily love tearing this option away from less dedicated decks, this is also an important piece for double or triple sleeper decks to survive the early game.
  • However we'll be keeping an eye on how this continues to play in those decks and whether this needs a small cost increase as well.

Wall of the Dead

  • Decreased damage prevention per card from 5 -> 4
  • Another powerful and sometimes frustrating stall tool that could be used with token generation to effectivly gain absurd amounts of health.
  • However the card is expensive, so we have just given it a minor efficiency nerf but will continue to keep an eye on its performance on if further action is required.


  • Now creates copies of cards at the top of the opponent's deck, rather than moving them to your hand.
  • The gameplay of this card in Verore mirror matches was very frustrating, stealing enemy acquires and win conditions while gaining very efficient card advantage.
  • Acquire being so rawly efficient in the number of cards, even if enemy cards are worse than your own cards is something we will keep an eye on.


  • Text Changed to "When Malignant dies, if its deployed, it permanently gains "If you kill four or more opposing Characters in a single turn while Malignant is in the graveyard, Malignant raises from the Graveyard.""
  • Malignant's previous design allowed the card to be sacrificed from the command zone to quickly out-tempo and overwhelm decks without ever casting Malignant's cost.
  • his redesign means that Malignant must be deployed to gain its ability, making it still powerful and recursive, but no longer free.
  • We have also increased the reanimation threshold to make it more commonly to be trigger by stuff like Mass Death, rather than random combat skirmishes.

Nysrugh, The Insatiable

  • Increased Purity to EXx3
  • Recieving unstoppable and Consume during the faction's redesign made Nysrugh very difficult to deal with for some factions. However the gameplay and thematics of that combination of keywords was something we liked being available, just felt required additional commitment. Now this gives greater reason to try out triple purity exiles decks to gain access to this hungry and dangerous demon.

Gift of the Passing

  • Purity reduced to WPx2 and Text changed to "Target Character you control gains "When this dies, if its deployed, create a Brings Life By Passing.""
  • Turn 1 ramp, combined with being able to target the command zone and thus be very difficult to interact with made for a very dangerous combination that was waiting for better ramp targets as we have been pushing the stats and abilities of Character cards that cost 6+.
  • This card, sometimes even in multiples could be backbreaking, sometimes facilitating you to have double the resources of the opponent on turn 4 or 5.
  • This redesign will still allow this to be cast turn 1, but be more easily interactible in multiple ways, and have the ramp be delayed until the Character targetted can die. Due to this being a major rework, we felt reducing the purity was a fair way to allow the card to be combined with other factions who can help sacrifice or deploy cheap Characters to work with this.

Speaks with Wind

  • Increased cost 5->7 and increased stats 12/12->15/15
  • This card's redesign was meant to help players who wanted to ramp to 10+ resources. However at its previous cost it was arriving on the battlefield earlier and more consistently than we felt was healthy, while also stepping on the toes of Prophet Kanari, creating a lot of redundancy in triple warpath ramp decks that could be frustrating to play against. We hope that these cost and stat changes will reduce that card's appearance in decks not interested in extreme ramp, while still being a viable options for that want to cast some of the largest cards in the game.

Nature's Wish

  • 2nd mode now only grants the additional 2 resources during the next turn, not permanently.
  • The 2nd mode of the redesigned Nature's Wish was supposed to be a small bonus, not a highly uninteractive ramp tool. This was simply an oversight and the design has now been nerfed to its intended effect.

Unstable Demon

  • Stats reduced from 9/17 -> 6/14
  • When redesigning the exiles faction, some stats were delibritly pushed to the limit, as it would of been disasterous to require the faction to have a 2nd round of major reworks. However *Unstable Demon went too far, particularly due to possible cost reduction from exile, and the deadly keyword.

Terror Moose

  • Decreased cost from 5->4, Decreased cost from 10/10 -> 10/8
  • A large number of 5 cost charge cards with very similiar stats existed in the cardbase in a way we felt could be improved by modifying this card to create additional deckbuilding options in both factions.

Genetic Splicing

  • Can now target cards in your hand
  • While Genetic Splicing is certainly a card for more casual decks, many tribal synergies care about "When you deploy a [TRIBAL TYPE]", and thus we wanted to help support that.

Sky Reaper

  • Text changed to "Flying, deadly, cannot block." and stats changed from 4/6 -> 6/4
  • Several designs in Intrigue were based initially off Infinity Heroes cards, however as the games have become disconnected, we have been looking at some that need reworks. The previous Sky *Reaper design was far too defensive, plugging a core weakness of sleepers to fliers. This has now been corrected to be an aggressive design to match our vision for flying zombies.

Defiant Engineer

  • Attack Threshold reduced from 20 -> 15.
  • When reworking the Defiant Cycle, we looked at possible cross faction synergies that we can support as we add more cards. Caring about high stats is that overlap for Genesis and Warpath. *However as we have been brainstorming and testing additional design in that theme, we found that the 20+ threshold was a little too swingy, so we have reduced it a little bit, as we don't want some cards to care about 20+ attack and others to card about 15+ attack.


  • Text changed to "You can't include this in your deck unless you have one or more factionless commanders.
  • Remove target Character, Location, or Artifact from the game. This ignores all abilities."
  • A "catch-all answer" with a high cost was something being tested in this slot as a saftey valve in the cardbase. However just a high resource cost turned out to not be enough. Therefore this version adds an additional deckbuilding cost, allowing for the normally heavy downside of a factionless commander to gain a unique tool.
  • We have also removed its ability to remove mission cards, as we didn't felt it was either necessary or made sense thematically.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Restricted List getting reverted to an old version, making several cards inaccessible
  • Fixed major issues with the deckbuilder and deck saving
  • Fixed deckbuilder search inputs
  • Fixed multiple broken spritesheets
  • Fixed Adventure mode in IH breaking after round 9
  • Fixed multiple internal use only cards being available in adventure mode
  • Fixed Ultra Unit not correctly seeing all the mega units if they were in the support zone
  • Fixed Undead Corruption and infect creating lag
  • Fixed Logarithmitron overcharging multiple times per turn
  • Fixed Bek, Dragon Tamer ability to lower the cost of dragon
  • Fixed Ixxi freezing the game (unbanned now)
  • Fixed Struggle for Power's progress being invisible
  • Fixed Wish Panel cards visually breaking in widescreen settings
  • Fixed typos on multiple cards
  • Fixed Mark of the Demon targetting restrictions
  • Fixed turn timers not correctly updating
  • Fixed Rikarl appearing multiple times in the deckbuilder
  • Fixed Hinekri not having flying
  • Fixed Mutating Dead being unable to target the enemy graveyard
  • Fixed Navi incorrectly updating mission progress
  • Fixed Orion's tokens having too much morale
  • Fixed Orion sometimes not being able to target cards correctly
  • Fixed Agent Coyle, Hellbringer not transforming correctly
  • Fixed Character cards that are exhausted being permanently exhusted visually when moved to hand
  • Fixed Suffering Verorian not correctly triggering from discard
  • Fixed War Machine's token not having the correct faction border
  • Fixed Lilariah, The Rebel being able to discard your entire hand in one turn and not triggering correctly
  • Fixed token maker cards not adding the token tag by default
  • Removed Alarashade item artwork

June 24th 2022, IWC Version 0.54b - Hotfix


  • Fixed textboxes of Chaos in the Ranks and Gift of the Passing
  • Fixed Deckbuilder not loading correctly when creating new decks
  • Fixed death triggers being able to trigger multiple times when involved with multiple types of deathstate. (ie: deadly)

June 28th 2022, IWC Version 0.54c - Hotfix


  • Fixed Remove from Game Reanimation causing the game to hang
  • Fixed renaming decks from the deckbuilder causing the previously selected deck to get overwritten
  • Fixed unstoppable not correctly triggering OnEndOfCombat triggers and thus ignoring deadly, among other effects.
  • Fixed Fixed some incomplete cards being available to development testers
  • Fixed infinite resource exploit with Secluded Constructor and other multi-target cards
  • Fixed Augmented Ninja's effect not correctly distinguishing if it is the only target
  • Fixed Enlightenator XT2500 gaining an additional +2/+2 on deployment
  • Fixed the EffectNodeAbilityVFX Self not properly including the initial targets for the Next() effect sub-tree.
  • Fixed Devil's Bargain breaking the hand zone when discarding the hand and causing the game to hang.
  • Fixed Agent Coyle, Hellbringer's EndofTurn effect not always properly going off.
  • Fixed several spelling errors
  • Add more visual VFX behaviour to mysterious box of wonder, to give better user feedback.
  • Fixed Drason, Armory Keeper and Overlapping Force being missing from the deckbuilder