IWC 0.62 Patch Notes

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August 24th 2022, IWC Version 0.62

Major Features

UI Rework Features and Fixes

The team has been hard at work improving the backend systems and features of the UI rework, these include updates to the deckbuilder, tooltips, hovering, sound effects, setting menu, ingame scene menues, card dragging, and much much more.

We are aware of several readability, contrast and other UI issues which we are in the process of adjusting, we have recently hired a UI designer to help address these issues but only a few changes have been ready for this patch. Expect more updates on this soon.

Balance Changes

  • Force Against the Law - Added Beast Subtype

While technically a minor buff, this is mostly just about avoiding very understandable confusion

  • Martyr of Life - Increase cost from 8->9. Removed Unstoppable.

While we really like the gameplay loop that this card creates, having unstoppable was allowing it to die a little too easily when attacking, and pushed out other unstoppable high cost threats. Also the huge value this card can create we felt meant required a minor cost increase.

  • Enlightenator XT2500 - Now only gains +1/+1 when overcharged, rather than +2/+2

The full healing was supposed to be the focus of this redesign, the +2/+2 however grew a little quicker without assistance than we wanted for such a flexible purity card.

  • Dirty Devil - Increased cost from 2->3 (Exile cost remains the same)

Deadly is a relatively new mechanic to Infinity Wars and has shown itself to be quite powerful, especially when able to be used defensively. Dirty Devil has been one of the top 2 drop Characters for a while, so we wanted to tone down the card and require using the exile cost more to take full advantage of this demon.

We look forward to the upcoming Intrigue Kickstarter and public release and are working hard to have it all ready to the quality we desire.