IWC 0.70 Patch Notes

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September 02th 2022, IWC Version 0.70

Major Features

Move to free to play

We are excited to announce the public early release of Infinity Wars Classic! The game is no longer locked for non-patreons and we have just started the Intrigue set Kickstarter. Play the game now and consider supporting us as we aim to bring innovation to the card game genre.

Complete user interface scaling support

All menu screens in both main menu and in-game now fully support different resolutions including 16:9, 16:10, 12:9, 32:9, 3:2 and more.

Deck Favouriting system

Major improvements have been made to user decks, including "last time played" checks, so that your custom deck list is sorted with your favourited and most recently played ones at the top of the list.

Deck Builder Improvements

The deckbuilder has received another pass of internal improvements, including better performance, better filtering for card types, stats and search functionality. We have also adjusted the size of cards in the deck builder for better visibility.

New Quest System

Gain 3 Quests every day, and lock in your favourites. There are over 30 quests currently implemented, with more coming soon. Be sure to lock in any quests you wish to keep over multiple days, as they refresh every 24 hours.

New Ingame and Menu vfx

A huge new pass has been done to both menus and ingame abilities with dozens of new particles effects.

New sound effects

The menus have received a number of new sound effects to create a better audio experience, with even more on the way.

Faction based Music

When playing games, the music will change based on the purity of your deck.

New Premade decks

12 new premade decks have been added, replacing the old outdated decks. These include decks provided by our amazing community.

Balance Changes

With the public release and the Intrigue Kickstarter happening, balance changes mostly be delayed until after Intrigue's full release in 3 weeks as the team focuses on other areas. However we do have a few small changes of already released intrigue cards:

  • Tygris, Politically Inclined: Removed deploy requirement.

The token "Lord" effect we felt was playing out a bit lower impact than expected, and thus wanted to try out Tyrgis as more of a command zone option.

  • Carlotta, Queen of Solace: Attack prevention ability now only effects the opponent

The Queen of Solace's ability previously prevented an Overseers deck from fulfilling its own go-wide plans. So we have removed the restriction from yourself.

  • Bek: Gains +2/+2

This dragon based Character needs to get onto the battlefield, so we have increased her stats so she can survive their more often.

  • Astatoth: Damage trigger changed from an end step trigger -> "When Astatoth is dealt damage for the first time each turn"

This small buff means that Astatoth doesn't need to survive till the end of turn, meaning he no longer is sometimes anti-synergistic with his unstoppable keyword.

Bug Fixes

  • Lots of various stability fixes
  • Huge amounts of UI fixes
  • Fixed Graveyard and deck not correctly allowing targeting
  • Fixed two major sources of game desyncs, caused by decks not getting sent over the network correctly, and the undo turn system not waiting for a network response correctly.
  • Fixed Scarab Spybug targeting multiple targets
  • Fixed Dragon Collar still hitting the support zone
  • Fixed Infected Purifier, Spirit of Vengence and other OnReplaceDeath cards not using the forceAlive heal.
  • Fixed Ruins of Veroria working from the graveyard
  • Fixed Mutating Dead not checking if the target of its ability is still in the graveyard
  • Fixed Heavenly Wish 1st mode being Unable to target command zone during the planning phase
  • Fixed Recruit of Solace being unable to target command zone during the planning phase
  • Fixed Protcul being unable to target friendly units
  • Fixed Mark 1 'Brimstone' Battle Tank being unable to target command zone during the planning phase
  • Fixed card dragging interacting with the ESC menu poorly
  • Fixed Imported decks always defaulting to greyscale.
  • Fixed Finds the Hidden keeping its target even if it dies or leaves play
  • Fixed Zuza returning dead units to life when she dies or uses her ability again.
  • Fixed Risen of Avarrach raising from the dead too slowly.
  • Fixed Tied game checking, now ties caused by morale or alt win cons will work correctly
  • Fixed Big-anators gaining +2/+2 from enemy discards
  • Fixed Ethereal fusion causes the game to freeze
  • Fixed Void split tokens having flying
  • Fixed a number of card name and card text misspellings
  • Fixed Boyo incorrectly costing 2
  • Fixed Verore Channeller not working on commanders
  • Fixed Alter of Binding being unable to target Commanders during the planning phase
  • Fixed Lance of jinhai being unable to target enemy characters
  • Fixed Higher Calling targeting and zone movement
  • Fixed Filing cabinet activation not correctly checking the number of valid targets
  • Fixed Ancient aggression Emblem being unable to target commanders during the planning phase
  • Fixed Guard unable being unable to target commanders during the planning phase
  • Fixed Tribal Medicine targeting
  • Fixed Power of the Underdog failing if used on a commander
  • Fixed Swift Strikes failing if used on a commander
  • Fixed Intimidating Rally targeting
  • Fixed Bek's cost reduction ability
  • Fixed Siege Engineers not working on non-combat damage
  • Fixed Tooltip displays for keywords and missions
  • Fixed Activated Abilities not correctly disabling the activation button
  • Fixed Consecration Angel not destroying locations
  • Fixed Blood Crazed Initiate transform

September 02th 2022, IWC Version 0.70.1 - Hotfix

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with store real money purchases button not working.
  • Fixed notifications not appearing in the friends panel.
  • Fixed issue where sliders weren't update music volume.
  • Fixed manual account transfer button not working in the account transfer screen.
  • Fixed issue causing cards to appear greyscale even when they are owned.
  • Fixed issue where the inventory would sometimes fail to display.
  • Fixed issue where the featured page in the Store screen would fail to display the items.
  • Fixed being able to open cosmetic packs in the pack opening screen.

September 04th 2022, IWC Version 0.70.2 - Hotfix

Changes & Fixes

  • Fixed issue where undoing transform or wish cards would cause desyncs
  • Fixed abilities not playing when dropped outside zones
  • Fixed images not displaying correctly in news panel
  • Fixed news panel indices not displaying correctly
  • Fixed deck legality text in play menu
  • Fixed card rendering in deck list view
  • Fixed legality of premade decks
  • Temporarily banned Ixxi, the Annoying due to game hangs / softlocks
  • Fixed typo in the description of Genetic Splicing

September 07th 2022, IWC Version 0.70.3 - Hotfix


Thanks everyone who has played recently and reported bugs. We are aware of some frequent and annoying desync errors that are occurring. Unfortunatly they are not quite yet fixed, however we have made significant improvements to out logging systems to help capture some information on them that was not available previously. Obviously these types of network dependent errors are slow and difficult to replicate and fix, so thank you for your patience, and we will have another patch as soon as the major issues are resolved.

Vault of the Void

Vault of the Void is doing an amazing cross-promotion with Infinity Wars Classic. A FREE battlefield is available temporarily on the store now to purchase. You can also get some time limited IWC cosmetics on their game right now. Check out their game of Steam and tell them we sent ya!

Sacrifice Mechanics Change

Sacrifice worked incredibly inconsistently in IW1. Causing a lot of confusion to its implementation and previously had some technical limitations. In addition we wanted to try having a greater mechanic difference between the two effects to see it this created new gameplay space. However we are now modifying Sacrifice to the following:

  • Sacrifice acts like Kill, but cannot be prevented by indestructible, OnReplaceDeath triggers, or "Immune to Kill" effect.
  • Sacrificed Characters don't reduce moral.
  • Sacrifice Characters trigger both OnDeath effects such as Splitter Bot, and OnOtherDeath effects such as Verore Death Worshipper.
  • Sacrificed Characters don't count as Killed for effects like Nero

This will likely be a significant buff for some cards, so we will be keeping an eye on what follow-on effects this might have in the future.

OnReplaceDeath Triggers mechanics change

Triggers that replace a card's death with something else (like the Avatars) now work a little differently, removing all non-permanent buffs and debuffs. OnReplaceDeath triggers still don't stop sacrifice effects or remove from game effects and don't actually count as the card ever dying for stuff like Verore Death Worshipper. The "Original Stats" text has been removed from all Avatars now, and Spirit of Vengeance now gives a permanent buff to retain its previous effect.

Balance Changes

  • Covert Battlesuit: Text changed to: "When Covert Battlesuit enters the deployed area, it gains untouchable and indestructible until it leaves combat with a Character."

This minor change fixes an unwanted interaction with Mutated Dead and makes it a little clearer how it interacts with flicker effects.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Agent Coyle Ascended having the wrong rarity
  • Fixed games sometimes saying they are a tie, when one player fast forwards
  • Fixed one particular desync caused by inconsistent sorting
  • Fixed "Carrion Creeper" having deadly in the graveyard
  • Fixed artwork mismatch on beast tokens
  • Fixed Suppress not actually being preemptive
  • Fixed Oblivion having cost reduced from enemy ability cards
  • Fixed Oblvision not hitting commanders and destroying missions
  • Fixed typo on Purge the Unworthy
  • Fixed Infected Drone's cost is incorrectly changing from cost 2 to cost 1 when it transforms
  • Fixed Junkyard's abilities not spending the resources
  • Fixed Typo on Hydra Den
  • Fixed Player Queue text saying room, causing confusion
  • Fixed Tome of the dead's bad interaction with some death triggers
  • Fixed friends list always disappear in the bottom right
  • Fixed zombie abomination's leave trigger ressurects itself
  • Fixed zombie abomination's cost reduction
  • Fixed Vault of the Void Mission works with only 1 card in yard
  • Fixed Aberion wording
  • Fixed Weaponize wording and creating a token for the wrong player
  • Fixed two Martyr of Death's creating an infinite loops
  • Fixed "Drason, Armory Keeper" triggering off other player's ability's
  • Fixed Kidnapper's leave trigger
  • Fixed some quests
  • Fixed Lilariah, the Rebel buffing every card in the game.
  • Fixed "scouting mission" creating "robot" not "scouting drones" tokens
  • Fixed battlefiend shade missing a subtype
  • Fixed typo on "fleeting footman"
  • Fixed several major timer bugs
  • Fixed "Rita Unshackled" drawing cards while in the support zone
  • Fixed Evellee's first ability not costing anything and not working with 0 cost characters
  • Fixed Aleta, Immortal Sorceress typo
  • Fixed xi, martyr not transforming commanders
  • fixed Genetic Splicing typo
  • Fixed "Music Volume" slider doesn't seem to update in real time
  • Fixed Splitter Lite wording
  • Fixed Omnimind Drones not working with other drones
  • Fixed Legionairre of Dawn not working correctly
  • Fixed web links in the browser from the
  • Fixed card customizer getting stuck open when file browser is open
  • Minor LW card memory optimization
  • Fixed prompt panel buttons being un-interactable
  • Fixed scroll groups showing contents when collapsed on refresh
  • Fixed deck builder incorrectly filtering out mixed purity cards

September 09th 2022, IWC Version 0.70.5 - Hotfix

Desyncs Update

Thanks everyone for your patience on the issues involving desynced games, we're still in the process of solving these issues as they do tend to come from multiple sources, this will continue to be our number one priority as we know it can be quite frustrating to encounter, we have fixed several of these issues this week and we will continue to monitor reports as they come in.

Major Features: Vault of the Void

Vault of the Void is doing an amazing cross-promotion with Infinity Wars Classic. A FREE battlefield is available temporarily on the store now to purchase, also available for a limited time is a FREE single-use card pack containing "Vault of the Void" promotional cards. You can also get some time limited IWC cosmetics on their game right now. Check out their game of Steam and tell them we sent ya!

Bug Fixes & Quality of Life changes

  • Fixed combat layout controller failing to call On Combat Finished events causing the controller to loop causing desyncs when Fast Forwarding while experiencing frame drops
  • Changed "Resolution Type" to "Resolve Mode" in gameplay settings submenu
  • Changed store prices to display "Free" if the item has no price
  • Fixed issue where login screen couldn't take email addresses when login in
  • Fixed account transfer screen displaying incorrect text
  • Fixed Assimilator due to sometimes causing the game to freeze
  • Fixed toggle state text in settings not correctly updating
  • Added option to disable card tilting in the deck builder, option found in the General settings submenu
  • Added per vanity type count to inventory item display
  • Fixed inventory item display defaulting to the bottom of the text
  • Fixed alternate art issues effecting the cards:
    • Mark of the demon
    • Kinetically overloaded drone
    • Taiga, Combat Reconstructor
  • Fixed issue where On Other Enters Deployed trigger would not trigger properly
  • Fixed issue with Defiant Trickster being permanent
  • Changed email shroud behaviour for the account transfer screen to be more user friendly
  • Updated the account transfer screen to have more consistent text
  • Fixed Supress not affecting wish abilities
  • Added missing lore to 20+ cards
  • Fixed minor PlayerOptions issue when no save file was present
  • Fixed card transforms not respecting greyscale & not updating the art of un-zoomed cards
  • Other minor fixes