IWC 0.71 Patch Notes

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September 15th 2022, IWC Version 0.71

Intrigue Kickstarter

We reached the Kickstarter goal, thank you everyone for all your amazing support! We're on to our stretch goals now, so tell your friends and let's get some awesome alt artworks unlocked for everyone!

Major Features


Thanks everyone who has played recently and reported bugs. Have have been working hard to squash any remaining desyncs thanks to our improved logging systems. We've fixed a few more of them this patch and will be keeping an eye on if any more remain over the weekend.

Card Packs

Collector Booster Packs are now available in the store!

  • These booster packs contain 5 cards from a pool of all available cards. Get cards from the released intrigue cards, or from older sets, even promo cards can rarely appear.
  • Each booster contains 1 card guaranteed to be Uncommon or rarer and all cards have a chance to be Foiled, Gold Bordered, or both.
  • Buy premium boosters to more than double your odds of finding rarer cards or cosmetics, and all cards from premium boosters are marked as Tradable when that feature is enabled.
  • Bundles of 5 Packs can be bought to provide a discounted price.

Resolution Changing

New Resolution options and better support for less common resolutions has now been included. We'll be continuing to see how we can support different resolutions more in the future.

Promo Cards and New Artworks

4 new Promo cards have been added to the game, as well as new artworks for Shamba's Hunt and Siege Engineers. Thanks to the amazing content creators that have supported the game and helped us reach our kickstarter goals.

  • Thea Wolfborn
  • Daniel Money
  • Shady Bunny
  • Rio, Nice Dragonborn

Minor Features

  • Better notifications when you receive new Quests
  • Updates to the Account Transfer Tools to better serve high demand
  • New Tooltip messages for keywords
  • Added additional Fast Forwarding options
  • Deck Exporter now Export Cards in order of cost then name
  • New sound effects
  • New Exhaust indicators (Zzzzz)
  • Changed default AI to be Hard instead of Insane to make it cheat less.
  • Changed notification message for deck exporting
  • Disabled arranging of field cards for AI to avoid the AI putting 2 cards in the same slot
  • Random Deck selection button, useful when playing offline
  • Deckbuilder Searching Improvements
  • Remember Me login toggle

Balance Changes

Confront the Aether: Increase cost by 2 This card was giving less dedicated CoV decks too much lategame gas, now the card will be able to be made very cheap in dedicated spell matters decks, but be a much more awkward topdeck in other situations.

Sol, Tyrant of Solace: Increase cost by 1 The huge body and very powerful effect came down just a little quicker than we liked, making it difficult to rush down. We'll be keeping an eye on this still very powerful card to see if it needs further adjustments in the future.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Issue with some players being randomly logged into other player's accounts
  • Added some Missing lore to existing cards
  • Fixed Custom Card Names not correctly saving between sessions
  • Fixed lighting on some battlefields
  • Fixed Default Verore battlefield animations
  • Fixed Wish activated abilities such as Omnitron getting cost increased or decreased by the card's modifiers
  • Fixed Cost increase effects not syncing correctly sometimes between players
  • Fixed Card Items not correctly showing the correct amounts in the inventory
  • Fixed Excess Damage on cards like Profane Critter Calculating correctly
  • Fixed Excess Damage on cards like Profane Critter working correctly with flying
  • Fixed some missing spritesheets
  • Fixed deck importer now correctly working with banned cards
  • Fixed Queue timer to display the correct text
  • Fixed Multi-Strike tooltip
  • Fixed broken alt art cards
  • Fixed Adaptive Master being considered artificial
  • Fixed Pacify somehow being a human
  • Fixed Crystal of Madness drawing cards from hand or graveyard
  • Fixed Lost Knight increasing its own cost
  • Fixed Aleta, Immortal Traveller's activation cost
  • Fixed Single Combat targetting
  • Fixed Martyr of Chaos's graveyard effect
  • Fixed Bad-Bot having the IH Pacify tooltip
  • Fixed Demon of Fear targetting
  • Fixed Grotesque Brute tooltip
  • Fixed Infest targetting
  • Fixed Sol, Tyrant of Solace triggering damage effects
  • Fixed Preview Cards in the history queue having passive triggers, causing slowness
  • Fixed stealing a character not updating external passives
  • Fixed Karani not correctly reducing artifacts or locations
  • Fixed Ixxi's renanimation
  • Fixed Hand Reveal Effects causing desyncs
  • Fixed Infected Cycle to use Exhaust wording
  • Fixed OnceWasClean overcharge ability not working.
  • Fixed Missing Red Refinery and Supply Depot battlefields
  • Fixed dynamic zone layout spacing for the relic zone, so that it can automatically fit the relics into the zone by squishing when it exceeds a certain amount of cards.
  • Fixed Card Tooltip to Anchor to the edge of the card
  • Fixed Rubble Golem not working with Humble
  • Fixed Azael the Torn bringing back Removed cards from other sources
  • Fixed Azael the Torn not returning her target if she dies
  • Fixed Vasir, Chained Prince movement nodes
  • Fixed Drason not triggering on abilities
  • Fixed Astatoth trigger too many times

Banlist Updates

All cards have been removed from the banlist

September 16th 2022, IWC Version 0.71.1 - Hotfix

Minor Features

A new store rotation has been applied, check out the store now for more exciting cosmetics.


  • Fixed Major Desync issues caused by broken wish panel actions
  • Fixed Major Desync issues caused by Movement effects
  • Fixed Cheryl Forward Scout not having unique
  • Fixed Legionnaire of Dawn not correctly dealing damage
  • Fixed Drason Armory Keeper having an OnPlay effect, not an OnEntersDeployed effect, and thus not working with flicker
  • Fixed Agent Coyle Zomborg, killing itself if damaged while transforming
  • Fixed Defiant Brute triggering twice with sacrifice effects
  • Fixed Thea Wolfborne triggering from graveyard
  • Fixed visual error with ingame UI
  • Fixed Ju-lin moving instead of exhausting
  • Fixed account transfer screen showing transferred levels as 'Wins' instead.
  • Fixed Store Folding to centre of the screen
  • Fixed missing VFX in Chaos in the Ranks, causing bad player feedback
  • Fixed Ixxi freezing the game
  • Fixed In-Game settings starting at the bottom of the menu
  • Fixed opponent hand cards not being revealed when being affected by VFX

September 20th 2022, IWC Version 0.71.2 - Hotfix

Kickstarter Progress

The Intrigue Kickstart has now been completed! We recieved AU$ 35,096 out of our AU$25,000 goal to help bring this project to life. Digital rewards for the project, as well as the Intrigue set packs will be released on October the 10th as we process payments with kickstarter. Exact dates and designs for physical designs will be released soon. You can now see the full spoiler for Intrigue here:

Thanks again to all our amazing backers, we couldn't do it without you.

Australian Holiday

The team will be away for a 4 day weekend this week due to multiple public holidays. This will give us a chance to rest and recharge after the recent campaign. Please be aware if you are applying for an account transfer during this time it may be delayed slightly.

Minor Features

Battlepass Changes

The Battlepass no longer provides platinum cards as the kickstarter has now finished. Platinums for the next set will be available when we rotate out the battlepass in the future.

External Passive stat effects

The way the rules handle "Lord" effects, such as Pack Leader, that grant stats to other Characters passivly has been changed. Previously, health buffs provided by these cards could "heal" the character after being removed. So a 4/4 that gains +2/+2 but was dealt 3 damage would then become a 4/3 when the +2/+2 bonus was removed. Now that card would be a 4/4 with 3 damage still, making it a 4/1. This both prevents some uninutitive behaviour and means that killing "Lord" cards that grant these styles of buffs with AOE effects will work more effectivly.

Please note that one-time or time based health buffs will continue to "heal" when removed, meaning that a 4/4 that gains +4/+4 until the end of turn, then takes 4 damage will not die when the buff runs out. This change only effects external passive "Lord" style effects.

Balance Changes


  • A larger balance change patch is in the works, followed by the release of the Intrigue set on the 10th.


  • Fixed Major Desync issues caused by external passive behaviour
  • Fixed Major Desync caused by the tag system
  • Fixed Inventory card items now displays best vanity in scroll view
  • Fixed several inventory visual bugs
  • Fixed Vault of the Void not correctly showing it is a Mission
  • Fixed Mutating Dead activating from the graveyard if killed
  • Fixed Evellee's recruit ability
  • Fixed Reborn working from the command zone
  • Fixed Nix targetting
  • Fixed Inevitible Dead not correctl updating its text
  • Fixed player damage stat not being correctly tracked
  • Fixed Avatar of Yuanshi not working correctly
  • Fixed Spirit of Vengeance, Infected Devil. Infected Monk, and Infected Purifier not working correctly
  • Fixed Aberion, Fallen from Glory, and Agent Coyle Zomborg not correctly transforming
  • Fixed Thea triggering from the incorrect zones
  • Fixed some broken profile pictures
  • Fixed lots of small typos and card text mistakes