IWC 0.72 Patch Notes

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September 29th 2022, IWC Version 0.72

Major Features

Pack opening improvements

A major rework has been started on pack opening animations. Buy some packs now and check it out!

Minor Features

Combat layout speed adjustments

We are experimenting with a faster combat animation speed to help multiple combats not dragging on. We'd appreciate any feedback on if it feels too fast or slow so we can continue to adjust it.

All Move to Support effects changed to Exhaust-ing for consistency. This effects the following Cards:

  • Flashbang
  • Nix
  • Stumble
  • Demon of Fear
  • Flagbearer
  • Harbinger of Law
  • Distraction Drone
  • Harbinger of Light
  • Exhaust.

Goal: To create consistency in move effects vs exhausting, allow for more "exhaust matters" design space in the future. and make FD slightly more powerful against activated abilities.


  • Fixed Bek not working correctly with Flciker abilities
  • Fixed low orbit cannon exhaustion when having no targets
  • Fixed Kung Ji causing the game to lock up.
  • Fixed Champion's herald being exhausted in hand
  • Fixed Warden of the wall applies it's morale damage due to surviving combat even if it dies."
  • Fixed Tome of the dead mission tooltip sometimes not counting up
  • Fixed "LeavesPlay" triggers getting incrrectly effected if moved between two in play zones
  • Fixed Overcharged storm wording and effect
  • Fixed Aventure time quest
  • Fixed Firebolt being a token card by default
  • Fixed Consecrating Angel destroying locations too when attacking characters
  • Fixed Astatoth's damage trigger
  • Fixed Pain stone not adding damage correctly
  • Fixed dancer of jinhai's text not saying it can only be activated once per turn
  • Fixed hunted down text
  • Fixed Aleta, Cured Immortal missing the unique tag
  • Fixed The Innovative Wish not being able to target enemies
  • Fixed Defiance not hitting command zones
  • Fixed Defiant Brute death being able to sacrifice the target that was already dead due to combat
  • Fixed Morningstar Wayclearer not hitting the fortress
  • Fixed Tempus tags
  • Fixed Hunted Dragon having the incorrect trigger
  • Fixed Flame Dawn Purifier causing combat to freeze sometimes
  • Fixed Rita's guard cost and morale
  • Fixed infected devil not correctly transforming again
  • Fixed splitter-lite creating tokens when it dies in command zone
  • Fixed Plunder triggering on effect damage
  • Fixed Nix pull commanders out of command
  • Fixed Humble wearing off some parts of its effects if a card goes to the graveyard.
  • Fixed Dropbear activating multiple times
  • Fixed Overload being able to kill locations and missions
  • Fixed Agent Coyle DivineDemonic discard.
  • Fixed Tracks the Cowardly targetting
  • Fixed Strength in Numbers being dynamic
  • Fixed many minor templating issues
  • Other Misc bugs

September 30th 2022, IWC Version 0.72.1 - Hotfix


  • Fixed Nero working with sacrifice
  • Fixed Bek cost reduction not being setup to be consistent with other similar cards
  • Fixed Tome of the Dead
  • Fixed Spirit jittering
  • Fixed Commander remove button disabled by default in deckbuilder
  • Fixed some minor issues with pack opening
  • Fixed Promo Store display tiles not linking corectly