IWC 0.74 Patch Notes

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November 4th 2022, IWC Version 0.74

Major Features

Tutorial Available to Patreons

A new Tutorial is available to Patreons for initial testing, this is the first of 4 initial single player missions. This first Mission will be available to non-patreons in the next patch after any rough edges have been smoothed out.

Group Selection Inprovements

We have modified Mass Character selection to be easier to use

Minor Features


Many new VFX effects have been added to various Character and Ability cards, often also including sound effects as well. Bu sure to especially check out the Useless Cow in all its glory.

Leaderboard Changes

The leaderboard now only takes into account multiplayer games, and some adjustments have been made to exp gain overall when playing against AI.

Unfortunately we have had to reset the leaderboard for this month.

Patreon border changes

Minor visual changes have been made to the Patreon Border to make it clash less visually with various elements.

Foundation Bundles + Store

Foundation Alt art bundle #3 is now available

"Contains a bundle with tradable alternate art cards with gold borders.

  • 3x Pacify
  • 3x Drone
  • 3x Armored Landcrawler"

We are keeping the Halloween Bundle and Foundation bundle #2 Available until Monday 7th because we know some folks have been effected by a store steam ticket bug that has now been fixed.

Balance Changes/Redesigns

No changes this patch, however a large balance patch should be coming in the next few weeks now that the most recent tournament is over.

Bug Fixing

  • Fixed Cosmetic pack visual bug that meant duplicate cards didn't appear visually in pack opening.
  • Fixed some OnKilled Triggers
  • Fixed Fight! not using itself as the instigator or the damage
  • Fixed 'Kill Them All' quest not working at all
  • Fixed group selection not hiding the group selection box when the turn timer ends while selecting
  • Fixed loading display for inventory showing again when returning to the main menu, and fixed the disable check for category buttons happening multiple times due to new requirement system.
  • Fixed in-game cards not displaying over the top of the card viewer when clicking to zoom due to canvas sorting overriding.
  • Fixed several cards not having 'Once' activation limit set for their onField abilities that only allow once a turn activation.
  • Fixed all Enrage characters to properly use the enrage bundle consistently, and activate once a turn, adding SFX and VFX consistently.
  • Fixed the graveyard and deck viewer failing to auto update the circular layout when opening and closing it instantly due to co-routines.
  • Fixed shockwave VFX causing the game to hang.
  • Fixed Quest 'Hulk Out' not working for all enrage characters
  • Fixed swapping of Character cards in the hand not working.
  • Fixed 'Never Existed' quest incorrectly requiring the removal to all happen in one game.
  • Fixed 'They Rise' quest incorrectly adding progress for cards played from anywhere.
  • Added Missing Promotional Items & Added to Item Collection
  • Fixed Aberon, Fallen from Glory being able to be activated multiple times
  • Fixed Restricted Text not masking correctly as well as Highlight Effects in Tutorial
  • Re-Added single selection behaviour for group selecting by holding Left or Right Ctrl to individually add to the selected group cards.
  • Fixed Unit cards not properly handling dragging and dropping onto the field on top of another card in the zone.
  • Fixed group selection behaviour incorrectly handling OnDrag behaviour for cards individually when group selecting.
  • Fixed Inter-Dimensional Phase Bot's being able to be activated multiple times per turn
  • Fixed Items displaying as Plurals in prestige pass and rewards screen
  • Fixed hover zoomer not showing the correct highlight for the card when zooming.
  • Disabled showing the card highlight when full zooming the card.
  • Fixed group selection not returning the cards to their original slots when failing to do placement.
  • Fixed the toggle loading display not showing when entering the main menu without the inventory received.
  • Fixed card highlighting to properly handle switching between graveyard and group selection highlight when group selecting.
  • Fixed Crystal of madness not working
  • Fixed all Quests that relate to 'Winning a game' or completing something 'In One Game'.
  • Fixed zone layout positioning and card drag cancelling when failing to place card, and when cancelling current dragged cards when the turn timer times out
  • Fixed denial of magic soft lock
  • Fixed Inventory Item Static displays (Card Back) incorrectly receiving raycasting for selecting.
  • Fixed the Card Back selection in the deck builder being too close together, causing overlapping.
  • Added GUI enabling of the Item Granting Tool, so that you can edit item bundles while validating player lists.
  • Fixed the group selection box still showing if selecting upon the turn timer ending.
  • Fixed Mass Death not showing VFX when it has no targets.
  • Fixed pending game invites not showing up in the friends panel upon returning to the main menu

November 4th 2022, IWC Version 0.74.1 - Hotfix

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Quests: A New Threat, Anything For Power, Archmage, Feeling Lucky, Heaven's Fracture, Insane In The Membrane, Seek Safety, Spellslinger, Stolen Property.
  • Fixed movement of battlefield cards incorrectly doing a swap sometimes, which can had a small case of causing a desync.
  • Fixed the deck count text display not showing when hovering over the deck cards and added functionality to display the count at the center of the top card in the zone.
  • Fixed the zone viewer for Deck and Graveyard not opening when clicking on the actual cards.
  • Fixed Purification Stone not allowing targeting of commanders.
  • Fixed Redirect and Redirect Bot incorrectly cancelling other abilities triggering, fixed them cancelling your own abilities, and fixed them to only redirect the effect when the targeted ability is targeting only 1 card (E.g. This will now still work if a Cannon Fire targets the same card twice).
  • Fixed External Passive's not properly affecting ability cards played that turn (This fixed the interaction between Pain Stone and Heat Wave).
  • Fixed several group selection issues with the tilting of selected cards.
  • Fixed incorrect Dragon Token artwork for Agent Coyle, Hellbringer and Descension.
  • Fixed deck builder grid layout cropping cards off-screen at certain aspect ratios.