IWC 0.76 Patch Notes

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November 17th 2022, IWC Version 0.76 - Major Balance Patch

Major Changes

  • Tutorial Improvements: We've made some adjustments to the tutorial based on player reports, this will help new players learn the game, thanks for your feedback.
  • Silent disconnect issue, previously if you disconnected with a player while in a game, there was a case where the the game would get stuck on "Waiting for opponent", this will now notify you of a disconnection and complete your game with the player, we will be continuing to look into this connection issue and if it is something related to our networking services, thanks for your patience

Minor Changes

  • Tutorials now display the rewards from completing them, in the tutorial selection display.
  • Store readability changes: Packs & bundles in the store now have clearer information to what they contain, this was a community suggest, thanks for your feedback
  • Quest EXP rewards multiplied by 15. Was created referencing an outdated EXP calculation, making them nearly meaningless.
  • Added Narration volume slider for the opening cinematic and future voice acting

Balance Changes

Overall Goals of these balance changes

1) Prepare the groundwork for the next set by getting any last major factional mechanical theme reworks completed. Primarily changing Champions Matter to Unique Matters in OoS and buffing triple FD.

2) Complete any outstanding redesigns/buffs/nerfs, including Devil of Despair.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where cards in the deckbuilder list view could display incorrect text
  • Music no longer plays at the same time as the trailer
  • Fixed some compiler errors from vanity changes
  • Fixed Crystal of Madness not working with zero cards in hand
  • Fixed deck loading issues
  • Fixed Xac, Lost in Lunacy to properly filter for exile keyword based cards (including ability cards), and handle enabling it's exile mechanic, so that it can be played next turn as if it has been discarded.
  • Fixed premade vanity validation
  • Fixed AI using incorrect target filters for wish cards
  • Fixed some tooltip i2 inconsistencies
  • Fixed Masking on the tutorial Selection display, added savedata appending module, minor tutorial 1 tweaks
  • Added Notification ID matching so duplicate notifications wont get created if they already exists and are shown
  • Fixed Taiga on death not accounting for tags given through card effects
  • Fixed a bug with registration incorrectly not updating PlayFab title data when first registering an account.
  • Fixed the loading panel async behaviour still running if the user exits back to the main menu due to photon room connection issues
  • Fixed game getting stuck waiting for the opponent to make their turn when in a multiplayer match due to networking issues with room joining/leaving.

Additional Bug Fixes - 18/11/2022

  • Fixed several issues with card cosmetics not showing properly in decks, and being incorrectly reverted back to grey-scale.
  • Fixed several issues with exile mechanic.
  • Fixed Augmented Ninja's Targeting trigger affecting other ability cards casted after it.
  • Fixed cards appearing semi-transparent in the graveyard after dissolving.
  • Fixed Xac, Lost in Lunacy not correctly giving all exile cards the ability to be played after you use Xac's exile.
  • Fixed card Stamps being displayed on the battlefield.
  • Fixed Exclusive unreleased cards available shown in the deck builder.
  • Fixed several card description issues not using correct text.

November 23rd 2022, IWC Version 0.76.1 - Hotfix

Major Features

Tooltip Changes

All keyword tooltips and many of the term tooltips have been expanded and improved to not only better reflect their functionality, but also make more sense when used on cards that grant that keyword to other cards. We'll have a full list of the Keyword reminder text on the wiki tomorrow.

Minor Features

Multi Lives keyword changes

Multi Lives now acts more consistently, no longer triggering "kill" effects or "OnOtherDies" effect, this both brings it closer in line with its IW1 functionality, and fixes several very unintuitive interactions. There is also a minor VFX applied when a life is lost, however it is potentially a placeholder for now. Resilient Slime has also received a minor wording change to make it no longer inconsistent with the rest of the cardbase, as death effects don't trigger when a life is lost, yet Slime is supposed to split multiple times.

Balance Changes

Balance changes, and game development in general is an iterative process, because a change goes live, doesn't at all mean that is the final version forever, we constantly watch for unintended interactions and evaluations of power level.

Statistic tracking of card use and other useful statistics will be finished being implemented soon, this will help not only guide discussions, but also test the effect of changes made. Though with large caveats that statistic tracking while being a helpful tool, doesn't replace either expert knowledge and has to be taken with a grain of salt while the playerbase is still small.

  • Reverted Oblivion and Annihilation Change
    • When making changes to older cards there is always a need to weight the benefits of changes made to modifications of content that players have positive and passionate associations with. This can be exacerbated when a change undershoots on power level, making the cards weaker than intended. We have decided that the previous changes should be reverted, and are making improvements to our internal communication and testing processes to make sure these concerns are made clearer earlier in the future.
  • Forerunner of Champions -> Mass vigilance, -1 cost
    • Some concerns about haste being granted to OoS's angels being outside of the factional color pie have meant a change from haste to vigilance is being tested. The Overseers Champions reworks are still quite new, so we'll be keeping an eye on how they are performing and if future changes need to be made.
  • Empath Battery 2->3/4->6 of gained health and morale
    • While the modification to empath battery is unfortunately a little complex, if fits the goals of the card much better of providing morale and health over multiple turns. But a moderate buff has been added to take into account both the higher restriction and the reduction in combo potential compared to its previous version.


  • Fixed Carrior Creeper's 2nd mode cost 2 resources in total
  • Fixed Aubaude's effect being symmetrical
  • Fixed an issue with drawing cards of a specific type
  • Fixed Dragon of Autumn Wind not having its updated stats
  • Fixed flame strike applying itself and other corner cases
  • Fixed some cards that cared about other cards dying triggering themselves
  • Fixed United Front not creating all tokens in some situations
  • Fixed Purification Stone targeting
  • Fixed Surprise Defense not always correctly shuffling
  • Fixed the inventory screen breaking when logging out and back in to a different account due to search systems.
  • Changed the item count text on inventory displays to be consistent with the count displays for card items.
  • Improved performance of pack opening
  • Fixed issue where you could enter a tutorial while in queue for an online gamemode
  • Fixed some broken text boxes

November 24th 2022, IWC Version 0.76.2 - Hotfix


  • Fixed external passives not being reset properly when an external passive card changes owner
  • Added delay to granted triggers to fixed candit.
  • Fixed Fiery Wish not giving +4 attack to Characters played in the next turn.
  • Updated Marina, Touched by Infinity description to make it more clear that it's an OnReplaceDeath effect that's granted to the target card, so it's more understood that the target card is supposed to lose it's buffs upon dying.
  • Fixed Ability cards shrinking and flying into the middle of the screen after they execute their effect.
  • Changed card animations not to play when their effects trigger, and only animate if they actually go into a VFX.
  • Added logging for when Granted Triggers execute.
  • Added null checking for quest events so that games don't break and hang if a quest you have is not setup properly.
  • Fixed candit the demonic not properly removing the targeted card and token cards she creates.
  • Removed non implemented quest 'True Neutral'
  • Changed Medi draft to not always give an Epic or Legendary card as it's last one
  • Fixed cost displaying red on preview cards when the player cant afford them (E.g. Draft Panel card displays)
  • Fixed Aubade location only working for the opponent